Picture this in your mind's eye. Russell Crowe. Maximus Decimus Meridius. Rome.
This is Gladiator, circa the year 2000.
The modern world has survived Y2K. And, at the dawn of a new century, movie lovers took a look back in time to the glory days of Ancient Rome.
Crowe's Maximus is due to face off with the maniacal and corrupt Commodus, played by Joaquin Phoenix, after the fall of Emperor Proximo, the last role ever played by the enigmatic Oliver Reed.
And, as the King shuffled off this mortal coil, Maximus is given Rome instead of the King's son.
Obviously that doesn't go down well. Shock. Horror. Fireworks. Match to a powder keg, and so on.
But, what makes Gladiator so special is that Crowe's hero gave us the essential ingredients needed to make sure Ridley Scott's millennium movie was a smash hit.
Crowe's honourable Maximus, thrown into slavery by a corrupt new emperor, goes on to fight his way out as a Gladiator.

He earns his right to liberty and is able to return home.
Home to no one. Where a family once waited for him, before they were cruelly snatched away by the Emperor and delivered into death.
And it is in death they are reunited.
And, scene. All wrapped up in a nice little bow, right? So, where could a sequel to this possibly go? Well, nowhere with Russell Crowe or Maximus, apparently.
Despite Crowe's former Gladiatorial prowess, the 59-year-old Kiwi actor is sad to let Maximus go and see the story go on without him.
"I mean, look, the only thing that I really feel about it is slightly jealous, you know? Because I was a much younger man, obviously, and it was a huge experience in my life," Crowe told Collider.
"It’s something that changed my life, really. It changed the way people regarded me and what I do for a living, and, you know, I’ve been very lucky to be involved in lots of big movies, but the legs on that film are incredible."

The Pope's Exorcist star added: "Here it is, it’s 2023, and we made that film in 1999. I guarantee you, somewhere around the world tonight, Gladiator is going to be showing on primetime TV. And you don’t always get that kind of longevity with every film you do, so, it obviously holds a special place in my heart."
And, with two decades now having passed, it's time to pass the baton to the next Roman.
"I think where they’re picking the story up from is a young Lucius - son of Joaquin Phoenix's Commodus - stepping into the role of emperor," Crowe told NME.
"I think that’s a very smart idea within the world of the film that we created."
So, while Gladiator 2 might not involve Crowe or Maximus this time around, be prepared for a new generation of Roman rule that will keep you at the edge of your seat.
Gladiator 2 is set to arrive in cinemas on 22 November 2024.
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