Samuel L. Jackson is the master of the 'motherf*cker', but he's not the sweariest actor in the biz: that honour goes to Jonah Hill.
Some of Jackson's most iconic lines are bolstered by swearing: 'Say 'what' again! I dare you! I double-dare you, motherf*cker' from Pulp Fiction; and 'I have had it with these motherf*cking snakes, on this motherf*cking plane' from Snakes on a Plane, to name two. He even narrated an expletive-laden children's book, titled Go the F*ck to Sleep.
Nobody drops an f-bomb quite like him, and for a long time, he held the record for the most swear words uttered on-screen. However, thanks to his potty-mouthed efforts through the 2010s, Hill has taken the top spot – and Jackson isn't even in second place.
During a recent appearance on The Tonight Show, Jimmy Fallon dug out a list of the actors who've swore the most in movies. At the top is Hill, followed by Leonardo DiCaprio, with Jackson in third place.
"That's some bullsh*t," he reacted, sparking laughter from Fallon and the audience. "I mean... no! No way, man, no way," he joked.
"Jonah Hill and Leo? Really? I don’t believe that. Somebody has miscounted... is it for all curse words or just one specific curse word?" he asked, saying if it was just for "motherf*cker", he'd be the easy winner.
The results came courtesy of a Buzz Bingo survey, which looked at more than 3,500 film scripts to assess whose swearing ranks above the rest.

Hill was found to have used a total of 376 swear words across his filmography, with the vast majority split between Superbad and The Wolf of Wall Street, with DiCaprio just below him with 361 swear words, again mostly from The Wolf of Wall Street. Jackson had just 301 swear words to his name.
The Wolf of Wall Street is particularly historic when it comes to swearing, boasting an eye-watering 715 swear words, beating out Pulp Fiction for the sweariest movie ever.
Adam Sandler's Uncut Gems is the second-sweariest film with 646 swear words, which is likely why the star ranks fourth below Jackson with 295 swear words.
Next is Al Pacino with 255, then it's a steep dive in sixth place with Denzel Washington, who's uttered 183 swear words.
Billy Bob Thornton is in seventh place with 145, followed by Seth Rogen with 143, Bradley Cooper with 142 and Danny McBride with 136.
Topics: Samuel L Jackson, TV and Film, Jonah Hill