Buckle up, folks, we’re heading down another internet rabbit hole and this time, our destination’s Springfield.
Fans of The Simpsons have probably clocked by now that Homer and Krusty the Clown look seriously similar, but what you might not know is that the whole thing is actually intentional.
Well, according to one pop culture aficionado, that is. Watch the explainer below:
TikToker @lwham recently posted a clip on the social media platform that suggests Homer and Krusty the Clown’s likeness is meant to highlight Bart’s childlike tendencies, noting that although Krusty and his dad look alike, he idolises one and loathes the other.
@Lwham explained: “Ever noticed just how similar Homer and Krusty the Clown are? It’s even more evident when Krusty’s shown without make-up on or in the episode Homer the Clown, where they look more or less identical.”
They continued: “This is not sheer coincidence. In fact, this is a defining part of Krusty’s character and a key element for the relationship between Krusty, Homer and Bart, because while Bart showed no respect for his father and is just a brat, he idolises Krusty the Clown.”

The TikToker went on: “It’s meant to show that even though they both look the same and share an equal level of stupidity and silliness, he treats them differently.
“In fact, before the show began, they planned for Homer to actually be Krusty the Clown as a sort of secret identity.”
Many of @Lwham’s followers were quick to comment on the two characters’ similarities, with one person writing: “I thought they were the same person.”
Another added: “In one of the episodes they said they were too lazy to draw a new character design and that’s why he looks like that.”
A third TikToker added: “I watched a recent episode where krusty wasn’t a clown for a while and Homer said he looks just like me.”
“Wasn't Matt's original idea that Homer WAS Krusty and Bart didn't know? The gag was Bart unintentionally idolised his dad,” pondered a fourth, while a fifth (rather grumpily) penned: “Known this for over 30 years. You're not showing anyone anything they didn't already know.”

Other comments - and theories - included: “Homer and Krusty are probably just brothers,” “Bart’s name has the word brat in it” and “Tbh it’s just a cartoon it ain’t that deep.”
Well, the cartoon's creator Matt Groening has actually addressed the whole Homer-Krusty fiasco in the past, with him telling Entertainment Weekly back in 2007: "The original idea behind Krusty the Clown was that he was Homer in disguise, but Homer still couldn’t get any respect from his son, who worshiped Krusty.
"If you look at Krusty, it’s just Homer with extended hair and a tuft on his head."
You're not the only one whose mind is blown...
Topics: TV and Film, The Simpsons, TikTok