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Steve-O went through 600 nitrous oxide cartridges on cocaine in 24 hours and suffered crazy hallucinations

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Steve-O went through 600 nitrous oxide cartridges on cocaine in 24 hours and suffered crazy hallucinations

On Joe Rogan's podcast, Jackass member Steve-O reveals all in an encounter filled with cocaine, nitrous oxide and his hallucinations.

If you have ever seen any of the films from the infamous Jackass franchise, you will be familiar with fan-favourite Steve-O.

A man of many talents, stunts and general gross-out pranks, Steve-O reflected on his past drug use on the Joe Rogan Experience podcast, and the negative consequences it can have – with the main one being hallucinations.

Love him or hate him, Rogan is known on his podcast to dive deeper into his guests' personal experiences than others. And his interaction Jackass royalty Steve-O is certainly no different.  

Steve-O, who was born in Wimbledon, London, talked openly about his experiences of hallucinations when under the influence of cocaine and the recreational inhalant nitrous oxide for three days straight.

Steve-O explaining his drug use for three days straight.
Blunt / YouTube

“That was when all the crazy s**t would go down because I would be like awake on cocaine for three days and inhaling nothing but nitrous oxide,” he said. 

He added: “And at that point is when s**t starts popping off and people are walking around my apartment who are never physically there.”

The stuntman described a past experience of when he was having visual hallucinations.

“Like actual f***ing people, man, I watched a dude walk through my apartment and f***ing pick up my bong and take a hit and blow out smoke and just walked through the wall. He was never f***ing there. Ever,” he revealed.

Unsurprisingly, Rogan was shocked, but wanted to know more,

He also explained his experience of a tactile hallucination, where he could feel things.

Rogan replied in shock: “You could feel things?”

“Big time, dude,” Steve-O said.

Steve-O and Johnny Knoxville.
LANDMARK MEDIA / Alamy Stock Photo

Another consequence of his excessive nitrous oxide use is the raspy tone of his voice. 

In a YouTube video on his personal channel, the performer explained that his use of the substance has caused a lot of damage to his voice. 

Many have commended Steve-O on his openness of his experiences as he uses his knowledge to educate those in similar positions. 

The now 48-year-old has most recently discussed his impressive feat of being completely sober for 14 years. A true inspiration.

He has even stopped taking painkillers after the danger he goes through in his stunts on Jackass, showing he has taken his state of sobriety to the next level.

The entertainer has his life-long friend Johnny Knoxville to thank, as he helped him get onto the straight and narrow back in 2008. 

Knoxville contacted a physician to help following an email from Steve-O when he was going through a particularly rough time. What a friend.

Featured Image Credit: Album/Pictorial Press Ltd/Alamy Stock Photo

Topics: Drugs, Steve-O, Jackass