If you’re a fan of The Chase, then you might be interested to learn that the game show has lawyers on hand at every show to double and triple check if anything starts to go wrong. Check the video out below - as things do go wrong sometimes:
Of course, even though the product we see on ITV looks really slick and smooth, there are problems that can arise.
For example, Bradley Walsh cracking up at something funny, or a contestant getting something badly wrong.
However, there are more serious mistakes possible.
On occasion, fans have complained about the show's integrity after picking upon on some small errors.
Whilst we’re not questioning them at all, it’s still interesting to have a think about the situations that can come up.
The turnover of the show is pretty high, with three episodes filmed each day and each episode clocking in at around an hour and a half to get through.
That means that the 60 minutes – including advertisement breaks - we see on the TV are cut down significantly, which can often be because they have to cut some stuff out that went awry.
Basically everything tends to run to plan, with Bradley simply guiding the contestants through their questions, attempting to beat the chaser, whoever that might be.
However, when things come to the Final Chase, where the contestants must answer questions against the clock over two minutes, things are more pressured.
During the normal quiz, questions can be stopped and asked again if things go to pot, but with the time limit in place, there’s little room for error during the show’s denouement.
And when that happens, that’s when the lawyers are on hand to get stuck in.
Speaking previously with the Radio Times, Bradley explained: “If there is a slight misread, I am stopped immediately – bang – by the lawyers,
"We have the compliance lawyers in the studio all the time.”
The Chase employs an independent monitoring company called Beyond Dispute to put these sorts of thing – well – beyond dispute.
Walsh continued: “What you have to do is go back to the start of the question, literally on video tape where my mouth opens – or where it's closed from the previous question – and the question is re-asked. It is stopped to the split second.
"It means no time is lost for either the contestant or the Chaser."
Simple enough, but you have to admire Bradley’s ability to not get things wrong too often.
In truth, he’s required to ask one question roughly every four seconds if the contestants are to even stand a chance against the professional quizzers.
Brad explained: "You have to be at such a speed: if you're a contestant and I go 'what's… the capital… of France… ' they'd be dead and buried in thirty seconds.
"I have to make sure they get up to speed and they’re getting about 18 or 19 questions answered correctly.
“That's the real banana skin score [that will trip the chasers up]. Once the chasers get in a rhythm there’s no stopping them.
“They can answer 24, 25 questions in two minutes. We've even almost reached thirty."
At times, fans have picked up on a few things, such as a clock appearing to be out of whack in a Final Chase, which turned out to be a result of the edit, rather than any true cheating.
Don’t worry though, there’s nothing going on. It might just be a television show, but there are rules, and serious ones.