We've seen some truly remarkable moments on ITV's The Chase over the years, probably a reason as to why it is one of the UK's most-loved quiz shows.
Back in 2021, 20-year-old Eden Nash managed to beat the chaser to bag a massive £75,000 on his own, leaving host Bradley Walsh rather shocked.
And in 2018, a team of four managed to back a combined £100,000 after beating Anne Hegerty in the final chase.
Now, more history has been made on the ITV show after the 'oldest ever contestant' joined the show to test his knowledge against some of the best quizzers on the planet.
On Wednesday's (19 April) show, Andrea from Blackburn, Nabeel from Manchester and Meng, originally from Melbourne, appeared on the show.
But alongside them was Val from Solihull, who was hoping to help the team take down The Vixen and bag some serious cash.
As is the case when each contestant takes part in the cash builder round, Bradley asks them a few questions about themselves and what they would spend the money on.

This is when Brad was left seriously floored by her Val's age, and what he did next in the cash builder was even more impressive.
"How old are you? If you don’t mind me asking?" Bradley asked.
"I’m 94," Val instantly replied.
With his mouth rather dropped, Brad said: "Brilliant - I think you are the oldest contestant."
The 94-year-old agreed and replied: "Yes I think am the oldest that has ever been on and I’m feeling like it at the moment."
After the age question, usually comes what you do for a living, obviously Val is retired, but he did say what he did for a living in his younger days and some of his hobbies now.
"I was a vet, now I’m retired and I like to watch television, horses racing and losing," he said.
Bradley then of course asked Val what his favourite TV show is, to which Val cheekily replied 'The Chase'.
Asked what he would do with the money, Val said that he would bank his winnings.
He added that as he is turning 95 next month, he will 'likely die soon'.

In the actual cash builder, Val got five answers correctly, bagging £5,000 - he managed to beat the chaser and book a place in the final chase.
Nabeel and Meng joined Val in the final for the chance to take home £11,000 between the three of them.
Unfortunately, the team were caught by The Vixen with 33 seconds remaining, meaning The Chase's oldest ever contestant went home empty handed.
Topics: The Chase, ITV, TV and Film, Bradley Walsh