It turns out we're getting a sequel to the massive shark monster movie The Meg, and this time we get an answer to the question that's been on all of our minds: who would win in a fight between a shark and a dinosaur?
Anyone remember The Meg?
It's the one where Jason Statham fights a massive shark in the 2018 'sharksploitation' flick, and that's definitely a real thing since my spell checker isn't picking me up on it.
Where once the genre was dominated by the Sharknado movies, one visionary movie dared to wonder what if there was only one shark on the prowl but it was really honking massive.
Throw Jason Statham and some underwater set pieces into the mix and you've got yourself a movie that took over half a billion dollars at the box office and earned itself a sequel.
Obviously with a sequel for this kind of movie, you have to go bigger. So now there's an even bigger shark getting on with the business of chomping things people would really prefer to remain un-chomped.
As if the Megalodon he tangled with in the first movie wasn't large enough, now Statham has to do battle with the 'biggest meg anyone's ever seen', at least it will be the biggest until The Meg 3: An Even Bigger Shark Than Last Time - I really think they should call it that.
The trailer also shows us a fight between a Megalodon shark and a tyrannosaurus rex, and without wishing to spoil the outcome too much, this is a shark movie not a dinosaur film.
If you're rooting for the dinosaurs, go and watch Jurassic Park.
This actually isn't the first time a shark and dinosaur have done cinematic battle for our entertainment, as in one of the Sharknado movies a shark does fight a t-rex.
We've known The Meg 2 was on the way since 2019 after a movie producer confirmed that the script was being worked on.
Now we're getting the sequel and the trailer is proving the old maxim that 'if it ain't broke, don't fix it', as audiences filled out the cinemas to watch Jason Statham fight a shark the first time - and by god they might do it again.
Actual Megalodons were pretty mean creatures, and scientists reckon that they were pretty much the ideal apex predator as they could eat whatever they wanted.
Luckily they've been extinct for a few million years, so you can go for a swim without worrying about one of them taking a shine to you.