A British waitress has shared her earnings in tips over the course of one of her shifts, and it's quite eye-opening.
Tipping culture can vary from country to country - while it's largely voluntary or worth a round up to the nearest pound in the UK, it's very different in the US.
It's not uncommon for hospitality workers across the pond to work solely on tips, and though this might sound like peanuts here, it's not bad pay when you factor in the unspoken obligatory amount that customers are expected to give.
One waitress from the UK that works in America has shared her experience of this during a shift, giving us a start-to-finish rundown of her earnings, take a look:
The TikTok video details how much money she got not just overall, but per order, as user @megangulyard, also known as Megan Gulyard, garnered over 700,000 views with the viral clip.
She began by highlighting that her goal for that Thursday night was $125 (£97) in tip earnings.
The expected amount to tip servers in the US sits around 20-25% of the total bill and though it's not law, your server may ask why you haven't given them the full tip amount if you try to pay UK style.
Her first tip on a $99.50 bill was $20, fitting into the usual bracket, while her next was $7.71 on a $47.29 bill, just short but still respectable.
Megan's next few tips were $6 on a $30 bill, $6 on a $36 bill, $10 on a $65 bill and $4 on a smaller $8 bill.
Later in the shift, she updated us with her latest earnings, $22 on a $102 bill, $8 on a $41.86 total and $10 on a $35.46 total.
The mother-of-two then got back at the end of her shift, where she added that she was tipped $10 on a $73 bill before revealing that two girls that 'couldn't have been older than 18' racked up a total of $160, but only tipped her $9 between them, which Megan labelled as 'wild and crazy'.

Her final table had a total of around $70 to pay, tipping her $15, and she finally topped up the totals to reveal exactly how much she made over the shift.
If you haven't been doing the mental maths up to now, she revealed that she earned a grand total of $115 (£89.50) - though it's not specified how many hours Megan worked, it's a respectable amount for a night's work.
The total was $10 short of the target she set pre-shift, but highlighted: "Not too bad for a thursday night."
Since this video, Megan has made several other similar videos, where she counts tips on different days where she works, managing to earn over $200 (£155) on a Saturday shift, while a Tuesday night only got her $80 (62.20), on a night that she said was 'so slow'.