Generation wars are among some of the hottest discussed topics on social media as Gen Z and Millennials love nothing more to square off and explain why one way of doing something is better than the other.
And hand gestures are not exempt from this ongoing debate.
It comes after Millennials were once again the focus of Gen Z jokes after saying it was incredibly easily to spot their older friends when out clubbing or in a bar.
Next up after mocking for the 'Millennial pause', Gen Z aren't half brutal in their attempts to point out how old the generation above behave.
It's not all one sided, mind, with king of the Boomers - none other than Jeremy Clarkson - saying he knows how he can 'solve Gen Z being useless' with one key change to their way of life.

One friendlier debate to settle which generation you belong to, whether you think you do or don't, is the simple hand gesture.
And there's a good few that seemingly mean you are either Gen Z or the older and wiser Millennial (this early 30s author is definitely not biased).
The issue was laid out warts and all over on the Apéro Label TikTok channel.
A fashion brand based in Australia supplying modern looks for expectant mothers, it pitted its staff against each other under the tag line of 'is my manager cool?'.
Up first, the big one, with the woman behind the camera asking: "How would you make a heart with your hands?"
The Millennial was straight in with the classic thumbs together followed by index fingers. Think Gareth Bale and his classic goal celebration.

In contrast, the Gen Zer put her index fingers together followed by her middle fingers.
Next up, was a question on how you would roll down a car window.
The Millennial was straight in with the circular winding motion; a throwback to a time before electric windows (memories).
The Gen Z representative equally was straight in with the finger on a button motion.
Shockingly, both the Millennial and Gen Z were in agreement on how to hang up a phone, thumb and pinky out slamming the metaphorical phone down on the metaphorical table in front of them. No smartphones in this Gen Zer's world, it seems.
Naturally, the TikTok audience has been left split on the actions.
One posted: "I’m 29 and I would probably roll down the window like the Millennial. Even though I haven’t done that since a child, it’s still what I would think to mime instead of pushing a button."
In contrast, another wrote: "As a 29 yr old millennial I've never rolled down a window that way."
As for the hearts, another TikToker added: "The Gen Z heart isn't even a heart."
This Millennial wholeheartedly agrees with you.
Topics: Gen Z, Viral, TikTok, Social Media