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Woman reveals unexpected changes she experienced after one week of quitting vaping

Woman reveals unexpected changes she experienced after one week of quitting vaping

Jess Baker-Smith has revealed the unexpected benefits she has experienced after giving up on vaping for a week

After one week without a vape, a woman has shared the unexpected benefits she experienced.

As the nationwide ban on disposable vapes in the UK looms, many are likely wondering how they can quit the unhealthy habit for good.

Well, social media strategist Jess Baker-Smith has taken to her TikTok page (@jessbakersmith) to explain what happened when she went cold turkey for seven days.

The UK is gearing up for a ban on disposable vapes this year (Getty Stock Image)
The UK is gearing up for a ban on disposable vapes this year (Getty Stock Image)

Saving money

The first thing Jess noticed is how much money she saved.

"I quit vaping seven days ago today, and here are seven things that I have noticed about myself and advice that I would give to anybody who is thinking about quitting vaping," she said in the video posted in September.

"Your bank balance is gonna thank you. I was on two vapes a day, a fiver a vape, which is a tenner a day, times seven days, is 70 pounds a week time. So I'm 70 pounds up."

Make sure you buy a metal straw

A clever way to stay off the vapes is to pretend you're vaping, Jess said.

The content creator explained: "Go to the shop and buy yourself a metal straw. Drink everything out of a metal straw. You just feel like you're vaping."

Jess went cold turkey for a week (Instagram/@jessybakersmith)
Jess went cold turkey for a week (Instagram/@jessybakersmith)

It's okay to crave

The TikToker said that having craves is completely normal, but in order to stay on track 'you just have to keep thinking of all the reasons why you gave up vaping in the first place'.

"So for me, it was to clear my skin, which has massively cleared up," she added.

Improved sleep

Jess said the way her sleep improved in such a short space of time was mind-blowing. You will sleep better. I can't, I can't express this enough. I felt like my sleep was really bad when I was vaping. What I didn't realise is my brain was craving nicotine, but now that my brain doesn't crave nicotine, I actually sleep all through the night. You're gonna enjoy your sleep again, like I'm so excited for you to enjoy your sleep," she insisted.

How to get through the tough days

But the most difficult bit is how you navigate through the days you want to give up, as Jess explained: "When I went sober and I was really struggling, I messaged my cousin Rosie, who's also sober, and I asked her how she got through every day. And she said to me, every time that she wanted a drink, she would say to herself, 'Right, Rosie, you can't have one today, but if you still really want one tomorrow, you can have one tomorrow,' and then tomorrow would come and she wouldn't want one.

"And I've applied the same to my vaping. Sometimes I just really want to give up and just go and buy a vape, and I just say to myself, 'Jess, do you know what? If you still really want one tomorrow, you can have one tomorrow,' and then tomorrow comes and I don't want one. Good luck to anyone who is starting their journey."

Featured Image Credit: TikTok/@jessbakersmith / Getty Stock Images

Topics: Vaping, Health, TikTok