A bizarre video of chickens randomly freezing has got people calling it a 'chick in the matrix'.
If you can forgive me for the s**tty pun, take a look below:
The clip - shared by TikToker Brianna Antionette - begins by showing the owner walk towards a gated area to feed her chickens.
Behind the camera, someone tells the chickens that it's 'grub time' just as several of the birds suddenly freeze in place.
Three of the animals which were stood outside the gate were not moving at all and another, just outside, has also completely frozen.

As the video continues, the person filming zooms in and out, while questioning why the birds are not moving.
"I'm so glad I decided to record this...what is happening right now?" the person filming says.
"Why are ya'll not moving? I cannot make this up. Did I do something?"
After a lengthy pause, the chickens finally unfreeze and start roaming freely again.
Viewers were stunned by the clip, as one person commented: "Ummmm this is like the best evidence I’ve seen for a glitch in the matrix."
"The people controlling the matrix totally freaking out trying to fix the glitch," a second wrote.
"They were playing SQUID GAMES - they’re on red light you jus have to say 'green light” & they’ll move," another joked.
Brianna has since explained what went down.

"It is a natural reaction when chickens sense danger to freeze in order to not be spotted by a predator!" she told Newsweek.
"My husband 'Nick' spotted a hawk above them when he came out of the house when the video was ending.
"He grew up with farm animals and I have never been around animals, let alone ever think I'd own chickens.
"As I was out there alone in the beginning of the video, I was never aware of that behaviour and literally thought the rapture was about to take place."
Well, another glitchy moment took place last month after a woman who went wedding dress shopping unveiled 'three different realities'.
Tessa Coates took to Instagram to share a photo that made her 'nearly vomit in the street'.
Trying the wedding dress on, Tessa is pictured in front of two mirrors - and at first glance - it looks like a pretty normal photo.

But if you look closely, you'll notice something rather strange.
The image shows Tessa from the back with one arm across her body, and one arm down by her side.
However, if you look in the mirror, the fiancée has her arms in front of her - in a different position.
Wait, it gets even more weird.
The reflection in the other mirror shows her arms in another different position, with both of her arms pointing down.
"Okay hello! Upgraded from stories to the grid. I went wedding dress shopping and the fabric of reality crumbled," Tessa wrote in her caption.
"This is a real photo, not photoshopped, not a pano, not a Live Photo.
"If you can’t see the problem, please keep looking and then you won’t be able to unsee it."
She continued to write perhaps the most unique engagement announcement ever: "Please enjoy this glitch in the matrix/photo that me nearly vomit in the street. Also, I’m engaged!"
Topics: TikTok, Viral, Weird, Social Media