A content creator has shared the shocking amount that she was paid after her video got over one million views.
The viral clip got over 1.1 million views to be exact, with the social media influencer being completely candid with her earnings.
TikTok user @sidehustlesister has over 55,500 followers on the site and is known for her content around, you guessed it, side hustles - specifically her plans around her own hustles and how she plans to pay off her student loan with its profits.
From time to time, Lisa also makes videos unveiling money hacks, such as online banking tips and tricks to help with saving and budgeting.

Lisa's most popular video is the second part of a series where she has been sharing her side hustle journey, and she explains exactly what her goal is for the business venture.
After scrolling through the social media app, she noticed that a lot of people were starting their own 'side hustles', with varying goals, and some more ambitious than others.
But this inspired her to pursue her own side hustle, as she explained that she wanted to pay off her student loan and a car loan, so that she could be debt-free - in total, she owed £12,348.27.
In the follow-up video, where she reveals her earnings on the clip itself, she asks people what their guesses were.
Lisa also explains what RPM (Revenue per mille) is, as that directly impacts how much you earn, which is how much you earn per 1,000 views - hers is about 56p.
To get paid at this rate, the view must be a 'qualified view', meaning that it must be over a minute long, watched for over five seconds, viewed on the 'For You Page' and it must be a unique view. Simple enough.
She then revealed the total: "Drum roll please..... £310. Is that more or less than you though it was gonna be?" she asked viewers.
"I'm pretty chuffed to be honest, it is free money after all," Lisa said.

Some viewers were quite surprised in the comments, assuming that users would be paid more for views.
One commented: "That’s shocking, I thought about £1000"
A second said: "Less than I thought but still nice xx"
Another user asked: "GOOD FOR YOU! Can you withdraw at any time or is it monthly?"
Lisa replied: "You can withdraw anytime but the money for this video won’t clear in my TikTok account until the end of the month x"
However, others were quite impressed with the earnings.
A fourth shared: "I thought £250 tbf that’s not bad"
Someone else said: "I think that’s a great amount! My guess was 100-200 so fair play over £300 is great!"
But Lisa is right, it's essentially free money - I'd take a cool £310.
Topics: Money, Social Media, TikTok, Viral, Hacks