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People creeped out by eerie video showing 'what it was like to wake up on the Titanic in 1912'

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People creeped out by eerie video showing 'what it was like to wake up on the Titanic in 1912'

The iceberg appears able to teleport

People have been weirded out by a video which claims to show 'what it was like to wake up on the Titanic in 1912'.

This is from TikTok channel @timetravellerpov, which generates AI videos of various people waking up in different scenarios.

These being AI videos, there's quite a lot of holes to be poked in the actual content of the videos, and one of their latest ones puts you on the Titanic just before it all goes to s**t.

For some reason our POV character is wearing their shoes in bed, and that for some reason his perspective shifts into third person when he admires himself in the mirror.

He also has a disturbing tendency to hold his hands out in front of him like he's pretending to be a zombie, before walking outside with absolutely nobody else around.

Ah yes, the 'three fork method' is very much in fashion in 1912 (TikTok/@timetravellerpov)
Ah yes, the 'three fork method' is very much in fashion in 1912 (TikTok/@timetravellerpov)

Safe in the knowledge that he's alone, our character then sighs heavily while holding a cup of tea, before looking like an absolute plonker at dinner by deciding that holding three forks at the same time is the appropriate way to tackle his dinner.

Of course, this is one of the many limitations of using AI as it doesn't quite understand what it's doing so it thinks our guy ought to be tackling his meat and veg with three of the same piece of cutlery.

After giving one of the Titanic's bannisters a very sensual stroking, our chap then spots a giant iceberg off the port side of the ship and ineffectually points and gasps at it.

"Iceberg off the port side!" (TikTok/@timetravellerpov)
"Iceberg off the port side!" (TikTok/@timetravellerpov)

He then becomes a disembodied presence high above the Titanic, able to see that the iceberg has suddenly teleported over to the correct side of the ship just in time for the fateful impact.

The iconic staircase on board the ship is immediately blasted with water and soaking the many AI guests who had been dancing there, despite the actual disastrous consequences of the Titanic taking a long time to truly sink in for some passengers.

Curse those teleporting icebergs (TikTok/@timetravellerpov)
Curse those teleporting icebergs (TikTok/@timetravellerpov)

A bunch of first class passengers then pile into a lift that is full of water, while our POV guy unwisely decides to duck his head below the churning tides just in time to see a shark swimming towards him.

There's a few more disembodied shots of people running for their lives in knee-deep water before we head out on deck and see the famous Titanic band that kept performing even as the ship was sinking. But for some reason they're surrounded by a smoky haze and one of them appears to be trying to play his violin bow like a trumpet.

Having decided he's had enough of being on the Titanic, our POV guy decides to jump overboard and scream dramatically, plunging into the water.

While you might think that plummeting into the freezing water would be a death sentence, our guy seems to have inherited the iceberg's ability to teleport as he suddenly appears in a lifeboat shivering as he watches the ship go down.

He's once again doing the zombie arm pose, perhaps remembering those happier times earlier in the day when he did it in the corridors of the Titanic before it sank.

For some reason there is also a shark here (TikTok/@timetravellerpov)
For some reason there is also a shark here (TikTok/@timetravellerpov)

The video has certainly had an impact on the people watching it, though some were more creeped out by the three forks thing or the sudden appearance of a shark.

One viewer said 'this hurts me the most', while another wondered 'why am I crying' after witnessing the rather inaccurate AI generated version of what it'd be like to be on board the Titanic.

If you want a more accurate version of the Titanic sinking then you might as well watch the James Cameron movie with the understanding that some of the historical characters are made out to be worse in the film than they actually were.

You might also be interested in an account from an actual survivor of the sinking ship.

Featured Image Credit: TikTok/@timetravellerpov

Topics: AI, Artificial Intelligence, TikTok, Titanic, Weird