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Viral 'I'm In My Mum's Car' meme has been recreated on 10 year anniversary

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Viral 'I'm In My Mum's Car' meme has been recreated on 10 year anniversary

Who remembers 'I'm in me mum's car, broom broom'?

Can you believe it's been 10 years since the 'I'm in my mum's car, broom broom' meme first went viral?

I can, because the guy who did it has just posted an updated version of it 10 years later.

If you're having a slight existential crisis over the fact it's been 10 years since the meme was first released onto the internet.

Not to sound like Peter Kay or anything, but does anyone remember Vine?

It's been entirely replaced by TikTok these days, but from 2013 to 2017, it was the internet's home to short videos, many of which became iconic memes that were so very treasured.

Sadly, in 2016, it was announced that the mobile app would be discontinued which resulted in an exodus of marketers and content creators and, pun intended, something beautiful withered on the vine.

10 years later and he's still in his mum's car going 'broom broom'. (TikTok/@tristansimmondsofficial)
10 years later and he's still in his mum's car going 'broom broom'. (TikTok/@tristansimmondsofficial)

One of those early iconic vines came from Yorkshire lad Tristan Simmonds, proving that God's own country truly is the cradle of all that is great and good in this world.

He shot to viral fame in 2014 with a video where he went 'I'm in my mum's car, broom broom' before cutting to his mum saying 'get out me car'.

Simple, elegant and beautiful, it was a hallmark of a better time for the internet.

Anyhow, Tristan and his mum returned to recreate the meme 10 years later and even introduced the next generation of viral stars as his niece took his place in the driver's seat.

The comments were flooded with people wishing Tristan well as he had transitioned since the original video.

Lots said they felt like they'd missed an update with his life, but now they knew it was 'EVEN BETTER THAN EXPECTED', and they commented in all caps so you can't doubt their sincerity.

Others wanted to know what he'd been up to, imploring Tristan to 'DROP THE LORE WE ALL MISSED BRO', while some discussed whether he'd 'aged like a fine wine' or whether the pun 'fine vine' was more appropriate.

Someone else mused that this was 'like the third trans Vine icon I know', which was followed by plenty of fond reminiscence of other stars of that noble site which is no longer with us.

This is one of the more rewarding aspects of being on the internet for so long - you get to learn a little something about the people behind the memes.

And all that time later his mum is still saying 'get out me car'. It's nice to have some constants in life. (TikTok/@tristiansimmondsofficial)
And all that time later his mum is still saying 'get out me car'. It's nice to have some constants in life. (TikTok/@tristiansimmondsofficial)

Who knows what the future holds for the 'British Cop Screaming' guy, I have no idea but he seems a nice chap and I wish him well.

The 'Four Lads in Jeans' ended up getting sculptures made of them, though they've admitted that they tasted the sour side of fame as well.

Meanwhile, it's been even longer since some other iconic memes were uploaded and many of those have done reunions or updates.

However, the passage of time does mean that some stories have taken a rather sad turn.

The dog from the Cheems Doge memes died last year, while the 'why you coming fast' guy claims he was ripped off and missed out on reaping the rewards from his viral fame.

As for what it's actually like to become a meme, the 'disappointed cricket fan' Sarim Akhtar said it was a pretty incredible experience that's resulted in people taking his image in all sorts of ways, including one person who asked if they could put his face on their credit card.

Maybe another 10 years down the line Tristan will do another update, and maybe we'll all be in electric cars by then so his iconic 'broom broom' will have to be replaced by some other noise.

Featured Image Credit: TikTok / @tristansimmondsofficial

Topics: Viral, TikTok