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People Are Calling Creepy Telephone Number Still 'Active' At The Cecil Hotel

People Are Calling Creepy Telephone Number Still 'Active' At The Cecil Hotel

Hmm, is it really though?

Tom Wood

Tom Wood

People are being asked to call a telephone number advertised as being for the Cecil Hotel - yep, the one from Netflix's hit series Crime Scene: The Vanishing at the Cecil Hotel - in order to hear a creepy answering machine message. You can hear that spooky message in full here:

The number was revealed on TikTok by user celinaspookyboo ahead of the release of the show.

She wrote: "I dare you to call the Cecil Hotel at 213-325-3866 and see what happens. It is rumoured to be an active number for the hotel!"

She doesn't seem that keen to call.

In the vid, she says: "Have you heard of the infamous events that happened at the Cecil Hotel?

"On 10 February, Netflix is putting out a show Crime Scene: The Vanishing at the Cecil Hotel.

"Built in 1924 in Los Angeles, every year of its existence has been bathed in darkness.

"It's known as a place where famous serial killers have gone to lay their head, its past is full of notorious crime, from murders to paranormal activity... this hotel has it all.

"It closed its doors in 2017 but rumour is that the phone number is still active, and there is no way that I am not calling this spooky phone number."

Then, she calls the number on her phone.

Others have verified that the number exists too, and once reached, an automated message answers: "Hello, you've reached the front desk of downtown Los Angeles' deadliest hotel."

It then continues: "Is there a room here that someone hasn't died in?"

Eventually, someone answers the phone.

Another voice responds: "It's possible, but not very likely. After all, they call it Hotel Death.

"Did you hear that? I think someone is on the line..."

The whole thing is about five minutes long and continues along much the same lines as the first snippet. You can check out the whole thing in the video at the top of this article.

It's spooky stuff, but quite clearly a paid piece of advertising for Netflix.

In truth, the hotel was the site of multiple suicides, a number of murders, and a few serial killers stayed there.

The actual building is closed right now, having rebranded as 'Stay On Main' for a while.

However, despite very little real evidence - there never is, is there? - of paranormal activity in the building, just around the corner from LA's notorious 'Skid Row', some people have reported being too scared to sleep after seeing Netflix's version of events.


One person tweeted: "I was up late last night and decided to watch the first episode of Cecil Hotel lol and the way i refused to sleep after that bc I was so hyperaware of the sounds around me at 3 in the morning."

Another said: "Go watch CRIME SCENE: THE VANISHING AT THE CECIL HOTEL on Netflix. The case of Elisa Lam always haunted me and became a big mystery. This limited series digs deep. Poignant revelations are brought to light."

Perhaps you could call the number, and see for yourself.

Featured Image Credit: Netflix

Topics: TV and Film, US News, US Entertainment, Netflix, Weird