Cast your mind back to the good old days when you were young and Art Attack was on CITV.
You'd get home from school and see Neil Buchanan creating a giant art project by pouring salt out onto a shiny black floor or something.
Meanwhile, a talking statue head narrated the steps you needed to go through to make the art yourself at home.
That might all sound a bit weird but I promise it makes sense in context, and the weirdness works in the context of a kid's show like Art Attack.

However, some viewers taking a nostalgic look back at the show think they've spotted something pretty rude which was right in front of our eyes the whole time.
Take a look at The Head, the chunk of statue based off the Roman Emperor Constantine the Great (little history lesson for you, he was proclaimed Emperor in York).
Now take a look at that hairline and see if you can spot a word carved out in those stony strands upon the scalp.
Some Art Attack fans reckon they can spot the word 'sex' carved into The Head, and can't believe it might have been right in front of their eyes this whole time.
It's one of those things you probably wouldn't spot if you didn't know it was there, and now you know to look for it it's so much harder not to see it.
People now 'cannot unsee' it one they've learned that it might be there while others declared 'childhood ruined', though we doubt it was really that badly damaged in the grand scheme of things.
Then again there are some doubters who say if you take a closer look at The Head (and see how creepy he is) it's actually harder to see the word 'sex'.

Perhaps it's a clever trick designed to use the light of the studio to show a hidden word, or maybe it's all a coinky-dink and we need to get our collective minds out of the gutter.
Or perhaps it doesn't matter either way and you can read what you like into the forehead of a talking statue head on a children's art show.
As for other Art Attack shenanigans, it was recently revealed that host Neil Buchanan was once in a heavy metal band called Marseille, where he played lead guitar and provided backing vocals.
They had originally called themselves AC/DC but had to change it when another band (you know which one) of the same name got popular.
Also despite his obvious skill at creating impressive artworks in all sorts of outdoor spots he's totally not Banksy.
Then again, that's exactly what Banksy would say.
Topics: ITV, TV and Film, Art