A woman has spotted a huge filming mistake in Friends - and people are baffled.
The hardcore Friends fans among us will take great delight in telling everyone who will listen that we've watched *all* episodes of the US sitcom trillions of times over.
The show followed the lives of Chandler (played by the late Matthew Perry), Joey (Matt LeBlanc), Ross (David Schwimmer), Rachel (Jennifer Aniston), Monica (Courteney Cox) and Phoebe (Lisa Kudrow) as they lived and worked in New York City.

And now the show is on Netflix - and available to binge in its entirety - it makes sense that many OG fans are re-watching.
Then there's the younger generations, who didn't grow up watching Friends but have started watching it years after it ended.
Essentially, there's a *lot* of people watching the show, so it makes sense that filming mistakes and bloopers would be noticed more frequently.
I mean, we never spotted this one. And we've watched this episode loads of times (obviously).
The moment occurs in season eight, episode five, when Phoebe is chatting to Monica in Central Perk.
The pair are talking about Phoebe's boyfriend, Tim, who works as a sous chef at Monica's restaurant. Monica wants to fire Tim, but Phoebe persuades her to give him another chance.
At one point in the conversation, the camera flips to Phoebe, but half of Monica's face is still within the shot.
But here's the thing, it's not Monica (or Courteney Cox, rather) - it's a double - or a stand-in actor.
People couldn't believe it after TikToker @livingmoorelife pointed it out.

One person wrote: "Nooooooo I watch this every night... I missed this."
While another said: "I am thinking this was a retake because the people behind them also different. So Courtney may not have been available to reshoot Lisa’s lines."
And a third added: "I wonder why they would need to even do that for a 2 second clip."
Meanwhile, a fourth asked: "Genuinely curious question... why do they use stand ins if the actors are already on set and on duty?"
The blooper is one of many reported by fans.
In a post shared online, one fan spotted a 'literal plot hole' in the show.
It's one that probably wouldn't have been visible before the age of Netflix, where users are able to watch Friends on their widescreen TVs with the wider aspect ratio of 16:9.
TikTok user @rileysoley hit pause on the moment, which was the opening episode of Season 10, titled 'The One After Joey and Rachel Kiss'.
Anyway, in the episode we see Joey returning home to his apartment and closing the door behind him.
"I'm watching Friends, and look at this," said Riley.
"Look at that giant hole in the side of Joey and Chandler's apartment!"

The video clearly showed a huge, square hole cut out of the wall of the set, presumably used to help position equipment as the crew filmed the inside of the apartment.
What next, eh?
Topics: Friends, TV, Social Media, TikTok