Topics: News, Jeremy Clarkson, Clarkson's Farm, Money
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Topics: News, Jeremy Clarkson, Clarkson's Farm, Money
Jeremy Clarkson is set to be in for one hell of a payday now that his pub has opened - and even more so now he’s cut a deal with a neighbour farmer.
Since the beginning of his triumphant Clarkson’s Farm series on Amazon Prime Video, people have followed his journey with a keen interest.
That also includes what else he gets up to in relation to his farmer escapades.
Well, having recently opened his new Cotswolds pub called The Farmer’s Dog, he’s seen immense popularity.
The pub was so rammed within one hour of its opening, that he had to think fast about what to do about his overflowing car park. And it was this thought which is set to rake him in additional hundreds of thousands of pounds.
In order to allow hundreds of cars to park by his pub, the former Top Gear host cut a deal with a nearby farmer who owns a 34-acre field opposite The Farmer’s Dog.
This deal will let all the customers come in and dine or drink for just £2 to park there, and each farmer split the profits.
The field’s owners, Edward and Patricia Walker told the MailOnline that Clarkson had been 'very shrewd actually' in negotiating with them, and Patricia stated they came to a 'half and half' deal between themselves.
According to the publication, both Clarkson and the Walkers will get £1,500 a day each just from parking fees alone.
When asked by the MailOnline to state where the parking fees will go to a parking attendant on the field, he shared: “There's a farm across the road. The pub is using this (the field).
“The farm across the road owns this (the field). So the two quid goes towards them (the farmer who owns the field)'.”
Patricia explained that although they were hesitant about the impact to traffic, it’s so far gone well.
She said: “We were concerned about the traffic but we were up there today and noticed that there were quite a few cars in the field that we have leased out to Jeremy.
“There were a lot of cars there. We were quite impressed as they had a lot of security on the gates. They weren't letting people just park on the roadside. At the moment I think they are doing quite a good job controlling the traffic and everything.
“We are right down in Asthall and I was amazed how many people have gone. I just wondered if they were going to run out of food or beer. I think at the moment they seem to be controlling the traffic which was our main concern.”
When asked why they’re letting Clarkson lease the field, they shared: “The reason we let him have it (the field) for parking is that we didn't want the same situation that was happening at Chadlington (the first Diddly Squat Farm Shop next to Clarkson's actual farm).
“There is not much room to park on the side of the road between the pub and us at Asthall.
"So really it (the lease) was to help him out and also to avoid all that congestion.”