A harrowing new clip from a Channel 4 documentary has shed light on the predatory behaviour women are subject to while out partying on holiday.
The clip shows a 'drunk' woman being approached by a man who can be heard saying 'let's go for it'. In actual fact though it was an undercover journalist from a new documentary carrying out an investigation into the prevalence of sexual assault and harassment at popular beach destination, Magaluf.
Ellie Flynn is an undercover journalist, whose previous work includes going undercover to expose landlords who would offer ‘rent for sex’.
Her new documentary on Channel 4, which will stream tonight (1 November), is called Magaluf Undercover: Predators and Parties.
As part of the documentary a survey was taken with shocking results, revealing that almost a quarter of the participating men and women aged 18 to 35 had experienced sexual assault.
Further, one in ten described experiencing a sex act being carried out without consent.
One particularly shocking moment has been released prior to the broadcast. It shows Flynn, who went undercover and pretended to be ‘drunk’ in Magaluf, ‘passed out’ on a sun lounger.
She is shown acting drunk with her head in her hands when a man walks up and asks: “Are you good? Sorry, are you good.”
When asking if she wants to chat, and being told no, he then says: “You are my last chance. Do you want to kiss a little bit?”

He then goes over to a friend and who is filmed saying: “Let's go for it! Let's go for it” after being told she is 'completely wasted'.
The friend then sits down and says he can ‘keep her company’.
"I haven’t ever been as scared as I was on that beach"
In the narration Flynn says she felt unsafe in that moment, getting up and going to get a security guard who intervenes.
She went on to say: “I haven’t ever been as scared as I was on that beach. There’s something about the feeling of being outnumbered that upset me”.
Throughout the documentary, in which she poses as a seemingly drunk girl on the Magaluf strip, she is followed multiple times by men.
On one occasion she described being watched for ten minutes by a group of men while pretending to be intoxicated before being offered a ride in their car.
She said: “Why would this man, who has been watching me for several minutes and can see that I am seemingly drunk, be trying to get me into a vehicle.
“He repeatedly asked why I was alone, where my mates were and suggested he could help me - all while telling me that I'm beautiful, and standing much closer than I was comfortable with.”
Magaluf Undercover: Predators and Parties airs tonight
Topics: Channel 4, TV and Film, TV