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Stoners are considering their life choices after watching South Park episode
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Stoners are considering their life choices after watching South Park episode

It was first aired back in 2002

South Park has been running for over 26 years, gaining a reputation for being one of TV's most controversial yet beloved shows.

However, a specific episode from season six has caused stoners in particular to reconsider their lifestyle.

South Park is known for covering a lot of relevant subject matter through satire, dark humour and profanity, with this episode being no different.

Named 'My Future Self ‘n’ Me', the 2002 episode starts with the boys finding a marijuana joint left behind by some older kids.

Stan is not afraid to touch it despite numerous adverts warning them that it could kill you or facilitate terrorism - two very extreme examples, but you get the gist.

Young Stan is then visited by his 'future self', who as a result of an excessive use of drugs and alcohol which began when he first touched marijuana, has done time behind bars and has no job.

The episode first aired back in 2002.
Comedy Central

He then discovers that his 'future self' was not a time traveller, but an actor hired by his parents to scare him straight.

I think all parents wished they had that option.

Stan's father Randy then explains that while drugs do not cause terrorism, they may negatively affect his future, in a deep talk about substance abuse.

He explained: "Pot makes you fine with being bored, and it’s when you’re bored that you should be learning some new skill or discovering some new science or being creative."

Marijuana is known for making users more sluggish, tired and lazy, as well as making it harder to focus in day-to-day life.

A very deep message disguised in a satirical comedy TV show, though many people on Reddit seemed to resonate with it.

The episode has particularly struck a chord with the 'stoner' community, with it still causing waves more than 20 years on.

One Reddit user said: "Never going back to that crap. Made me feel terrible."

The South Park episode resonated with viewers.
Comedy Central

Another commented: "This hits home. Especially after stopping 4 days ago due to the realisation I’m spending money to enjoy being bored when instead I could be spending money to enjoy not being bored lol."

A third shared their appreciation for South Park, writing: "‘I’ve learned so many life lessons from this show lol."

A different user added: "The quote that exactly summarised why I wanted to quit."

If you want friendly, confidential advice about drugs, you can talk to FRANK. You can call 0300 123 6600, text 82111 or contact through their website 24 hours a day, 365 days a year, or livechat from 2pm-6pm any day of the week.

Featured Image Credit: Comedy Central

Topics: TV and Film, South Park, Drugs, Health