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Storage Wars buyer stunned after making one of the most expensive finds in show's history worth £225,000

Storage Wars buyer stunned after making one of the most expensive finds in show's history worth £225,000

You never know what you're gonna get

One of the major appeals of something like Storage Wars is the chance that someone will buy a fairly innocuous looking lot and discover they've got bagged a goldmine.

There's not many places to go prospecting these days, so instead of heading out into them there hills to find gold, some people head off to them there storage unit auctions.

Over the years that Storage Wars has been on there have been some incredible discoveries.

In 2018, one buyer spent $480 (£390) on a unit and found millions of dollars of cash inside a safe contained within.

However, they weren't able to just take the money and walk off with it, and they instead got approached by people claiming to represent the family of the unit's previous owner who would very much like that big bag of cash back.

In the end, it seems as though they accepted a payment of just over a million dollars to hand the rest of the money back, still making it one of the biggest hauls of all time.

Darrell Sheets bought the right locker. (AandE)
Darrell Sheets bought the right locker. (AandE)

While there are smaller hauls, very often you don't have to give those back should you score it lucky like the guy who bought a unit stuffed with thousands of newspapers and realised they would be collector's items.

Then there's the chap who couldn't believe his luck after spending around $4,000 (£3,000) on one unit in the hopes it'd bring home the bacon.

That it certainly did, as stashed within was a collection of paintings by Mexican artist Frank Gutierrez.

The artwork was evaluated and eventually it was valued at about $300,000 (£225,000) to give buyer Darrell Sheets one hell of a good day at the office.

It was one hell of a haul. (AandE)
It was one hell of a haul. (AandE)

Darrell later revealed that thanks to buying the locker, he was able to meet the artist himself.

Of course, he was subjected to a lot of ribbing from his fellow Storage Wars bidders, who joked that 'Darrell embellishes a little bit'.

Suddenly, this $300,000 valued locker was being talked of by Darrell like he was going to sell the contents for a million dollars.

However, his colleagues acknowledged that 'it really was a good score' and reckoned if he sold well it could be worth closer to $700,000 (£525,000).

Many of the impressive hauls on Storage Wars amount to far less than that but are still nothing to be sniffed at, like the unit bought for a pittance but found to contain valuable sculptures.

Featured Image Credit: YouTube/AandE

Topics: TV and Film, Money, Art