One particularly fiendish final question on The 1% Club had viewers utterly stumped and wasn't even attempted by the two clever-clogs who made it all the way to the end of the show.
By now you surely know of the ITV quiz show hosted by Lee Mack, where 100 people answer a series of increasingly difficult questions and get knocked out if they get it wrong, depositing £1,000 in the prize pot each time someone goes out.
If you make it to the end you get to answer the type of question only one percent of people could figure out for a shot at the final pot, or you can walk away with however much of £10,000 you can share with the remaining contestants.

Of course, part of the attraction of The 1% Club is that most of the questions have some kind of trick to working them out, with the answer often buried within the question.
Trying to figure out the next entry in a seemingly nonsensical series of letters is suddenly made much easier once you realise what they each actually mean.
Many 1% Club questions have viewers stumped but this one was something else, with one fan saying they reckoned it was 'possibly the hardest 1% question I’ve come across' and they 'would even consider it a 0.1% question'.

Other fans of the show said that questions involving numbers always tripped them up and that they 'didn't even try' to solve it as they were so thoroughly bamboozled.
If you think you've got the brain for it then get out the stopwatch on your phone and give yourself 30 seconds to solve the question yourself, and no peeking further down the page for the right answer.
The question read: "Given that: 0+100 =100, 1+99 = 100, 2+98 =100, what is the sum of all the whole numbers between zero and 100?"
Chop chop, you've only got 30 seconds to figure it out.
Not that either Maisie or Alex wanted to go for it, deciding instead to each take home a £5,000 share of the prize pot rather than risking it all and falling at the final hurdle.

It was a good thing too, as quizmaster Lee Mack decided to ask if they'd hazard any sort of guess and neither of them could produce the right answer, though they did get quite close.
The answer they gave to this question was 5,000, which was so nearly correct had they not neglected one important final detail.
You see, all the numbers between zero and 100 consist of 50 pairs of numbers which add up to 100 and then the 50 in the middle so you need to remember to add that back on at the end and get the correct answer of 5,050.
The hardest 1% Club questions ever
If you figured out that 5,050 was the correct answer then you might enjoy tackling some of the hardest ever questions contestants on The 1% Club have faced:
What is the first number that when spelled out has its letters in alphabetical order? Answer here.
If January equals 717, March equals 5315 and June equals 4624, then what does August equal? Answer here.
Lee was driving when he noticed his milometer read 16961 and was the same backwards and forwards. What will the next mileage be that also reads the same backwards and forwards? Answer here.
Into, Therefore, Evaluate, Benign. All of the words have something in common. Can you work out what it is? Answer here.
A bat and a ball cost £1.10 in total. The bat costs £1 more than the ball. How much does the ball cost? Answer here.
Topics: ITV, TV and Film, TV, The 1% Club