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The Boys creator was ‘left with no choice’ as X-rated sauna scene banned in India

The Boys creator was ‘left with no choice’ as X-rated sauna scene banned in India

We asked The Boys creator about the tough decision to allow an X-rated sauna scene to be cut in India

It really takes a lot for a scene in The Boys to be censored.

When you consider what the show gets away with worldwide, in what other show is it a fairly run of the mill normal day to have d**ks being lasered off.

Eric Kripke, creator of the show, has even revealed to us that Amazon have only ever asked him to not do one thing in the entire run of the show - and even then it was just a note to tone down the amount of octopus f**king.

Not this time I'm afraid Ambrosia (Amazon Prime)
Not this time I'm afraid Ambrosia (Amazon Prime)

It was a shock then when it was revealed that a scene in the newest season was heavily censored in India – to the point where it essentially doesn’t even make sense.

One particularly shocking X-Rated scene in a sauna involves a super called Splinter who can clone himself doing…

You know, after several articles on this subject, there is simply no better way to describe it than ‘human-centipeding-himself’.

I think this is how we all reacted. (Amazon Prime)
I think this is how we all reacted. (Amazon Prime)

In India, however, fans would’ve been confused at the disgust on the face of Frenchie and Kimiko to walk in to discover Splinter entirely by himself in the sauna masturbating - with all of his arse-eating clones edited out.

Not only is it a bizarre edit, but it leads to small continuity errors later in the episode when Butcher mocks Splinter for having pink eye.

In an exclusive interview with Eric Kripke, however, we asked about this edit.

He said: “You know certain countries, when you do this process of localization, certain countries have their own broadcast standards that are generally impossible to overcome.

The scene in India vs the rest of the world. (Amazon Prime)
The scene in India vs the rest of the world. (Amazon Prime)

“Like in some cases it's literally illegal to overcome them and, yeah, I knew that that's how it was going to be fixed.

“I agreed to it reluctantly, because I had no other choice. I actually sat down with the editor and tried to figure out any other possible way.

“We couldn't quite crack that nut. But, you know, I think it's just, it's one of the unavoidable pitfalls of, having a global show right?

“I hope everyone in India who missed the butt buffet can just go online and call up a clip or an image, see what they're missing.”

Following this, we asked him ‘with no octopus fucking and now no self-human centipede, what even can you do?’

He jokingly responded: “Exactly, what are we? What is this a Handmaid's Tale like, come on!”

All jokes aside, if the only changes that happen to one of the biggest shows in the world is editing out someone running a train on themselves, and reducing the amount of octopus f**king – then your show is probably in a good place.

Featured Image Credit: Amazon Prime

Topics: The Boys, Amazon, TV and Film, TV