The Traitors fans think they have uncovered a major ‘mistake’ in the show and have even called for the BBC to have a change of format.
The third season of The Traitors has been a classic so far, whether it be Linda’s hilariously terrible Traitor acting, the Faithful all at each other’s throats after just a few episodes, or Kas’ iconic ‘Harold Shipman’ outburst.
Ultimately though, the name of the game is watching the Faithful try and figure out who the Traitors are, however.
While they have so far managed to get one, banishing Armani after just a few days, they appear nowhere near getting the other two current traitors, Linda and Minah.
What fans seem to have worked out, however is that, if you want to figure out who the Traitors are, breakfast is the perfect time to do so.
Every episode tends to end with the Traitors picking someone to kill, with the cliffhanger being this being whittled down to three names.
When walking in at breakfast, the producers will then often leave the two survivors of the three considered for last.
In this episode, Kas was one of the faithfuls considered for murder (BBC) One fan said (via The Daily Mail): “Why does nobody in Traitors pick up on the fact that the last two people through the door at breakfast are the survivors of the Traitors' top 3 targets and can be ruled out? They all talk about their rubbish theories and "evidence" but miss the most obvious.”
Another said: “The last 2 that come through the door at breakfast are obviously Faithfuls.
“The Traitors usually have 3 names and for suspense they keep them until the last to enter at breakfast.”
Meanwhile, a third viewer said: “In #TheTraitors am I dumb or should it be a dead giveaway that everyone who's been in a "final group" entering breakfast is a faithful?
“Because it's always the murder candidates? What am I missing?”
Though fans are convinced that this gives it away, previous Traitors season one Faithful, Ivan Brett, has spoken out about this theory in a recent thread on Twitter.
He pointed to an episode where Harry was one of the last in despite a faithful being murdered (BBC) Firstly, he pointed out that though in season one that was often the case that the three murder candidates would be left till last, it wasn’t every single time.
He went on to say: “You only spot this pattern of no Late Traitors (lators?) if you *already know* who the traitors are.
“Faithfuls are sus of everyone and only discover traitors once banished.
“We all tracked votes, friendships, but breakfast arrivals were not being counted.”
He later added that in season two, there were four different occasions where a traitor came in last.