In case you haven't heard, last weekend's Willy Wonka experience event was absolute chaos and one of its Oompa Loompas has now appeared on Good Morning Britain:
The controversial Glasgow event did not go to plan at all as customers described the event as a 'shambles'.
The £35-per-head event was supposed to based on Roald Dahl's Charlie and the Chocolate Factory and was scheduled to take place over Saturday and Sunday.

However, as hundreds of kids attended the venue with their families, they were shocked to walk into an 'abandoned, empty warehouse'.
Children were left in tears while police were also called to the venue.

Willy Wonka experience actor Kirsty Paterson also went viral after a picture of her dressed in a Oompa Loompa circulated online.
In an interview with Kate and Richard on ITV's Good Morning Britain today, she opened up about the '£1, Poundland inappropriate Oompa Loompa outfit'.
"I tried it on and we were all just laughing. Then I was contemplating, do I just walk out? This is just too much I can't deal with this," she said.
"The other actors were amazing and I didn't want to let them down and then I starting seeing the kids coming in and they were all dressed up and all cute and I just didn't want to let them down.
"It was just such a shame."

She claims that the actors were only given their scripts the night before the event was due to take place.
"They told us this was going to be a pantomime style and that we were going to perform," Paterson added.
"They gave us the scripts the night before and I remember on the Friday when I went it looked like that… [an empty rubbish warehouse with nothing in it]. And I kind of thought to myself, surely they must have people working throughout the night for this to be better with lights and everything like that."
Fellow actor Jenny Fogarty, who joined Paterson on the couch, previously claimed on Tuesday that the actors hadn't been paid yet.
However, ITV host Richard confirmed that the actors had received half of their money since.
"The good news is, I think, you've had half of your money, hopefully [you're] going to get the other half," he said.

Speaking to STV earlier this week, event organiser Billy Coull gave a formal apology, saying: "I’m really shocked that the event had fallen short of the expectations of people on paper.
"My vision of the artistic rendition of a well known book didn’t come to fruition. For that I am absolutely truly and utterly sorry.
"There was every intention to hold the event, from the pictures, despite not being in the best light hopefully you’ll be able to see that there was every intention to hold the event.
"Unfortunately there was unforeseen circumstances and the event didn’t come to light. These issues were technological in nature.
"We had ordered a holographic paper that didn’t arrive on time. The holographic technology in itself is absolutely fabulous technology and unfortunately there was a delay in postage."
Topics: Viral, UK News, Social Media