Will Mackenzie's mum from The Inbetweeners is still getting 'graphic' messages years after the show finished.
Ah, The Inbetweeners, the defining series of our secondary school days.
A lot has changed since the show wrapped in 2010, but one thing has remained the same: Belinda Stewart-Wilson (Polly Mackenzie) still holds the crown for 'TV's fittest mum' and she has the messages to prove it.

Pretty much everyone tried to pull Polly on the hit show, from Jay (James Buckley) and the boys relentlessly inviting her out, to sixth-form head Mr. Gilbert (Greg Davies) rocking up on holiday with her in the second film.
And, it seems, that the love for Will's mum onscreen has become a very real part of her post-show life, as Stewart-Wilson explained to the Daily Star: "I've had some odd messages and suggestions over the years some of which are so graphic I can't repeat them. But you have to take it with a pinch of salt - it's still nice to be loved."

It isn't just online messages as Stewart-Wilson adds: "I still get shouted at in the street and it's great just being Will's mum, forever in the hearts of the nation."
Still, it's not something that the actor expected. She said: "I never saw it coming, to be one of TV's fittest mums, it's a weird combination of things but I'm happy to accept the crown."
Explaining why she thought the character became so popular, Stewart-Wilson explained that, for better or worse, it was probably the boys' banter about her: "I think Polly became infamous because of the way the boys talked about her. Her screentime wasn't enormous but I was lucky she got talked about a lot, though in some quite extreme ways."

While Stewart-Wilson boldly embraces her crown, not everyone is thrilled with her title, mainly her son, Jackson - for obvious reasons.
"My son was really small when I did it and I thought 'oh he's not going to know anything about it.' Now he gets teased at school."
And, knowing how relentless kids can be, we understand why Jackson will never watch the show, with his mum adding: "He swears he'll never watch it. I think he's chosen to avoid it because maybe he's heard comments about me."
We're not sure we can blame him for avoiding the show, especially if his mum is still getting messages 14 years after her first appearance.
Topics: The Inbetweeners, TV and Film, UK News, News