An environmentalist has been slammed by Good Morning Britain viewers for urging people to stop building conservatories... from her conservatory.
Angela Terry appeared on the show to share her opinion on the issues surrounding global warming. She pointed out that the planet is getting 'hotter and hotter' and explained how conservatories could be adding to the problem.
Speaking to hosts Susanna Reid and Ben Shephard, Angela said: "They build up heat all throughout the day so it just makes staying cool in your home much, much harder."
She went on: "If a developer is building a house today and putting a conservatory up, you'd assume that house will be around in 30 years' time. So it's about having a no regret policy.
"So, once they're up we know people don't want to take them down which is fine."
She then went on to point out: "Obviously I'm in my conservatory here... when we bought the house it was here."
Susanna quickly interjected at this point and asked: "OK, so hang on - you're saying you're alright in your conservatory. Your conservatory is still going to stand but no one else is allowed to have one from now on."

Angela then explained: "So this house came with a conservatory on it. What the new legislation is saying is not to build new ones because we know the world is getting warmer and warmer.
"So what you're doing is you're building infrastructure, and we're doing it all round the UK, that isn't fit for purpose for when we have hotter and hotter weather."
She went on: "People get very ill, they get heat stress and particularly if they're pregnant or old, they end up in hospital because they can't regulate their body temperatures."
Commenting on the fact that Angela was sharing her opinion from her conservatory, one person wrote: "So this woman is on GMB telling us we cannot build anymore conservatories, because they are bad for climate change... while sat in her conservatory."
Another added: "Peak 2022: Environmental scientist live on GMB telling us not to have conservatories from her…conservatory. It’s like a PM telling us not to have social gatherings whilst attending parties."
A third commented: "People in glass houses shouldn't throw stones. You couldn't make it up if you tried."
Featured Image Credit: ITV/Good Morning BritainTopics: TV and Film, Good Morning Britain, Environment