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New five-part podcast looks at modern-day ‘policing’ of vaping and other taboo subjects

New five-part podcast looks at modern-day ‘policing’ of vaping and other taboo subjects

Fun Police takes a sideways glance at the taboo side of everyday life

It seems that everything we’re able to enjoy in adult life is bad for us. From smoking cigarettes to cannabis, alcohol to energy drinks, gambling to gaming, eating junk food to exercising too much and everything in between. Is nothing sacred anymore?

Though it might just seem like a modern-day ploy for ‘the man’ to have that extra bit of control over us as we become more educated and in tune with our surroundings, it’s something that’s actually been a societal topic for more than 100 years.

Eduard Figueres/Getty

In fact, it turns out that similar arguments made in favour of the prohibition of alcohol (a literal century ago) are still being used today to stop us from doing anything ‘fun’.

One main example is that, a few years ago, vaping was considered a healthier option to smoking but now, as it’s grown in popularity, some groups are cracking down on the supply and demand aspect whilst trying to deter young people altogether.

Understandably, the government wants to prevent children and those underage from being enticed by vapes that are designed to look like sweets with their fruity flavours and bright colours - but some feel that adults should be allowed to choose for themselves.

Daniel Lozano Gonzalez

Fun Police, a 5-part Consumer Choice Center original podcast, looks into historical expressions of prohibitionism and compares it to examples in the modern day.

Consumer Choice Center defends the rights of adult consumers to make informed choices, with the viewpoint that “Choice and innovation go hand in hand to create a better tomorrow.” As part of a larger campaign, Fun Police will also premiere a mini-documentary on December 14 and host an event in Warsaw set to be an “unforgettable evening of discussions, laughter, and fun”.

Watch the video trailer for the Fun Police podcast below.

The cast of Fun Police dissect these topical issues in a documentary-style, story-telling podcast. These in-depth conversations look at all perspectives with hard evidence, aiming to educate and inform. It’s the kind of podcast that you can listen to while on the train to work, driving home, or cleaning the flat - and maybe come away with a different understanding of other people’s outlooks on topics that are considered taboo.

Prohibitionism is a complicated topic, but Fun Police makes the hard conversations as accessible and digestible as possible.

Episode 1 launched in November and is already receiving rave reviews online. One of Fun Police’s star guests is Ethan Nadelmann, a prominent voice that speaks up against the criminalisation of cannabis in the United States. You can stream a new episode every week, wherever you get your podcasts.

Listen to Fun Police Episode 1 now, available on all major podcast platforms.

Featured Image Credit: Fun Police