YouTuber MrBeast decided to pack up and enjoy an overnight camping trip on an island referred to as one of the world's most dangerous.
Now, most of us would likely hear of a place nicknamed the 'deadliest island in the world' and give it a very wide berth when planning our next holiday. But content creators are not your average mortal, and no place is too dangerous when you're heading in armed with a camera crew and the possibility of going viral.
So with this in mind, popular YouTuber Mr Beast - real name James 'Jimmy' Donaldson - recently filmed himself heading to 'The 5 Deadliest Places' on Earth, which included the infamous Snake Island.

For anyone who's unaware of the existence of Snake Island, here's a quick recap of how this island received its unusual name.
Situated off the coast of Brazil, Snake Island - Ilha da Queimada Grande - is believed to be home to thousands of highly venomous snakes.
Exact figures are unknown, however previous estimates have suggested there could be as many as 430,000 snakes living there. Between 2,000 to 4,000 of these are said to be extremely dangerous golden lancehead vipers - a snake whose bite can kill victims in as little as an hour.
So all in all the perfect location for a camping trip - not.
But none of this seemed to deter MrBeast, who topped off his journey through the 'most dangerous places' on the planet with a visit to the island.

Thankfully the 26-year-old and his crew didn't completely disregard their health and rocked up on the island wearing 'specialised' shin guards to prevent a surprise attack while walking through grassy areas.
The group also appeared to be accompanied by local researchers who make trips to the island to collect snake venom for antidotes, allowing 'thousands' of snake bite victims to be cured.
This means the group's presence on the island was a little more justified, given that Live Science revealed access to Ilha da Queimada Grande is generally prohibited, unless you're a researcher or member of the Brazilian navy.
MrBeast isn't the first content creator to brave Snake Island either, with British adventurer Miles Routledge, AKA Lord Miles, previously sneaking over for a solo excursion out there, dressed in none other than medieval plate armour, and sharing the results online.
Although we don't recommend trying this one out for yourself.
Topics: MrBeast, YouTube, Social Media