One of the most deadly punishments in history involves being thrown into a sack with a ‘monkey, a chicken and a snake’, yes you read that right.
If history has taught us anything, it's how utterly terrible the punishments for crimes were back in the day.
You've got the 'Brazen Bull' torture device, which was created in ancient Greece, approximately 600-560 BCE.
The contraption was made out of bronze and built to resemble the animal.
A door on one side would welcome in the perpetrator while a fire was lit inside, leaving the person to roast to death as the metal heated up around them.

Then you've got the a more local method of torture, known as 'the rack'.
The way it works is you lie your victim on a table - with a couple of rollers at either end - tie their arms and legs to the rollers, and as you turn them, it pulls them further and further away.
Now, if you think both of the mentioned methods are horrible, let me bring your attention to the 'Poena Cullei', known as the 'worst Roman punishment'.
YouTuber Zack D. Films - who has shared a horrifying simulation of the torture method - explained: "They would be placed into a sack alongside a monkey, a snake and a chicken.

"This punishment was saved for people who killed their parents.
"Once sealed, the sack was thrown into a river, as the person inside struggled to breathe, the panicked animals would attack, creating a chaotic and brutal scenario.
"The goal was to ensure that the punishment was as horrifying as the crime."
Viewers were stunned by the very graphic simulation video, as one person commented: "It’s 10:41pm Zack the damn screaming woke the baby up, better be happy she likes watching you."
"Imagine being suspected and punished for something, you didn't even do in the medieval age," another penned.
While a third said: "A detail not mentioned: some variations of this involved a water tight (or at least water-resistant) leather sack being used to ensure that the person died of their wounds and not drowning."
"I really just feel bad for the animals in the sack with them, they didn’t have any business with them," a fourth said.
"Zack NEVER EVER fails to traumatise the living hell out of me," penned a fifth.
As someone else pointed out: "This is just so painful for both humans and animals no living thing should ever go through this torture."