A derelict housing estate dubbed 'Scotland's Chernobyl' was once home to a thriving community of shipyard workers back in the 1920s.
Nowadays, the housing estate at The Clune Park, in Port Glasgow, Inverclyde is a ghost town with just a handful of residents.
Take a look at the eerie scenes below:
With a whopping 430 flats to fill, a tiny percentage of the population is now left.
Shops, houses, a church and a school are mostly boarded off as the area was once home to the 'cheapest property in Britain'.
One flat recently sold for £7,000 at auction, according to reports.
Earlier this year Marshall Craig, one of the few remaining residents in the area, told The Sun: "There’s only four of us left now. I see one man down the end of the estate who walks his dog but that’s about it.
“I have no plans to leave this area, it’s got everything that I need."
Urban Explorer's Steve Ronin and Kyle Urbex have visited 'Scotland's Chernobyl' over the past couple of years, each coming out with a similar perspective.

Urbex - who spent two hours exploring the 45-storey complex - told the Daily Record: "One of the things that struck me the most was that the majority of the flat blocks are abandoned and derelict but some people are still living there. Some flats still had lots of possessions in them, like someone had gone out for the day and never came back.
"Outside of the flats, it is surprising to see people still going about their normal lives and going into houses next to the estate when 80 percent of it is derelict. It is sad in a way to see what would have once been a thriving community, where everyone knew each other, all falling into itself in a derelict state."
Ronin, in one of his latest updates, explained: "The residents really don't want this place to be well known.
"They want to keep it peaceful and quiet, and don't want to be on the news.
"A lot of dangerous things do happen here.
"The area has been plagued with arsonists costing shops, a primary school and a church to be abandoned."
The YouTuber also detected drug-taking equipment and animal faeces in the run down apartments.

Inside one of the abandoned flats, built between 1918 and 1920, was a spine-chilling hand-written letter written from a daughter to her mother.
It read: "I know a letter is not going to do much to change how you are feeling towards me right now, but I just wanted to try and explain a few things and to and say how I've been feeling.
"I never know quite how to say things and end up just a nervous, yappy, gibbering mess.
"Mum, I genuinely feel at my lowest point and have absolutely no idea how to shake myself down and get back up.
"I know that I am dragging you down with me and that's so disgraceful and unfair and I know it must be really hard for you to believe me but I genuinely do feel so terrible about what we did to you.
"I feel like a complete and utter scumbag and I truly hate myself for it.
"Mum, I just feel as though my life is falling apart and crashing down all around me and I don't know how to stop it."

A rebuild, commissioned by Inverclyde Council, was announced last year to buy all 430 flats, knock them down and start fresh with attempts to regenerate the area.
The Daily Star reported that the project would cost around £1 million.
"A regeneration plan for the Clune Park area was approved by Inverclyde Council in May 2011. With the publicly stated aim of that plan being the demolition of all 45 buildings within the estate to allow progress to be made in regenerating the area," the council said.