Topics: Adult Industry, Australia, Dating trends, Money, Sex and Relationships
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Topics: Adult Industry, Australia, Dating trends, Money, Sex and Relationships
A woman who claims to have achieved millionaire status thanks to her career in the adult industry said her job also 'destroyed' her dating life.
Maddi Miller might have the flash cars and a fancy home, but she lost her fella after taking the plunge and signing herself up to an X-rated site.
The Australian, who boasts 25,000 Instagram followers, explained that she first joined the industry when she was aged 18 and in a relationship. She said she got into this line of work to 'secure her future', however, Miller says her boyfriend soon became unhappy when she became the breadwinner.
The model explained that her other half was making the most money in the early days of their relationship and he regularly paid for romantic date nights.
But when the roles reversed and Miller started bringing in up to $70,000 (£111,568) a month, she says that her partner began 'viewing her as competition'.
It wasn't just this guy, either - as the adult content creator says she has struggled to find a bloke who can deal with her making more money than him.
She told news.com.au last year: "I feel like it hurts their egos. They still have this expectation that, as the man, they should hold the financial power in a relationship.
"I obviously threaten their sense of masculinity in that way."
The fact that she lives in a small town in Western Australia with a limited dating pool doesn't help matters, either.
"It’s always been ironic to me that I’ve never had more men frothing over me on the internet than I do now and yet in real life, I have less going on than ever before," Miller said.
At the time, she explained she had been single for about a year.
"But I’d rather be celibate than with a man that doesn’t support my career," Miller added.
She said she has got her sights set on meeting a guy who is 'also successful in his career and someone who I can build an empire with'.
Miller continued: "People tend to look at me, my style, my tattoos and what I do for work and make assumptions about my values. They’re almost never right, I’m a total romantic."
The adult star explained she has been motivated to make money since the age of 14, which is when she got her first job.
Saying she has 'worked hard from the moment she could', Miller told how she was employed in various roles over the years, such as a tattooist and an administrator at a golf club.
Speaking of her venture into the adult industry, she said: "This career gave me the chance to take my finances to another level and secure my future as well."