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Adult star says someone made a £100,000 request that was 'the wildest thing a man has suggested'

Adult star says someone made a £100,000 request that was 'the wildest thing a man has suggested'

Dating can be expensive when you earn a lot of money

An Australian adult star has revealed a 'wildest' £100k request she received from a man she was dating.

For most of us, dating is difficult - but for 26-year-old OnlyFans star Grace, dating is turning out to be an expensive venture.

The Aussie has been able to build herself an impressive $2 million (£1 million) property portfolio off the back of her adult content career, putting herself in a place of financial independence the majority of people her age could only dream of.

However, being so successful at a young age also comes with its struggles and for Grace, it soon became apparent that many men were not used to meeting someone who is more 'successful' than them.

"Some men find it intimidating and some go the opposite way and love that I have money," she told Aussie outlet

Grace went on to add that men often make ridiculous demands for gifts after learning about her income, meaning that she's either dating someone who is resentful of her earnings or wants extravagant gifts.

OnlyFans star Grace has made a very comfortable living for herself. (Instagram/ @gracewearslace_)
OnlyFans star Grace has made a very comfortable living for herself. (Instagram/ @gracewearslace_)

Examples of these requests include 'dream' cars and first-class flight tickets to international destinations.

"The wildest thing a man has suggested for me to buy him is his dream car. This was worth over $200,000," she said.

Now there's cheeky, and then there's that.

Grace recalled another incident where she matched a man on Hinge and the pair hit it off immediately.

However, once she moved the conversation from the dating app onto Instagram, things started to turn sour.

She recalled that after seeing her profile and OnlyFans account, he began to send her requests for gifts, with their connection coming to a swift end after he jokingly referred to her as his 'sugar mummy'.

The bad date anecdotes don't end there either, with another man looking up her work in the middle of dinner before saying that Grace should pay for their meal as she was 'doing so well'.

Grace has found dating hard due to what she does for a living and the amount of money she earns. (Instagram/ @gracewearslace_)
Grace has found dating hard due to what she does for a living and the amount of money she earns. (Instagram/ @gracewearslace_)

"It goes without saying we didn’t make it to a second date," she added.

When it comes to what she does want from a relationship, Grace said she understands that most men won't earn be earning more than her, but this doesn't mean they should try and take advantage.

"I don’t mind being the one earning more and paying for more in the relationship," she said, before saying that she wants a man who will 'take the lead' with planning dates and making reservations.

"I’m a big believer in traditional roles between partners and men exuding masculine energy, so the most attractive thing you can do, regardless of my income, is to take charge and not be intimidated by me or use my income against me."

Featured Image Credit: Instagram/@gracewearslace_

Topics: Sex and Relationships, OnlyFans