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GP demands you 'visit a doctor' if your feet have any of these four signs

GP demands you 'visit a doctor' if your feet have any of these four signs

Have a good look at those trotters lads

Suns out, toes out. Well, at least it was out. But whether Britain’s summer is summering or not, it’s this time of year when plenty of us feel happy enough strutting about in sandals and flip flops with our feet on display.

And while you might not be pulling a Lily Allen and selling snaps of your feet on OnlyFans, you might be looking at your trotters more than usual.

This could be quite useful too as they hold all sorts of information about your body.

Dr Babak from Superdrug Online Doctor told Gloucestershire Live that ‘foot health can reveal conditions ranging from circulatory issues to systemic diseases’.

So, next time you’re admiring your tootsies, keep an eye out for these four signs as the GP demands you ‘visit a doctor’ if you have any of them.

Keep tabs on those trotters. (Getty Stock)
Keep tabs on those trotters. (Getty Stock)


Of course, this is a pretty common symptom of a foot ankle injury and should be treated by elevating your foot, not putting much pressure on it and using an ice pack.

“Oedema is the medical term for swelling that occurs when fluid is trapped in the body, usually affecting the legs or feet,” explained the doctor as he added that it’s important to have it diagnosed.

"If left untreated, oedema can cause swelling that gets more and more painful, along with difficulties in walking. Persistent swelling, alongside other symptoms such as shortness of breath, fatigue and rapid or an irregular heartbeat, can be a sign of a more serious health condition such as heart failure, as the heart weakens and gradually fails to pump blood as it should."

Crusty feet might mean something more than just needed cream. (Getty Stock)
Crusty feet might mean something more than just needed cream. (Getty Stock)

Changes to skin and nails

If you reckon your feet are looking a little crusty or your nails a little gross, it might be a sign of something more than worn out toots.

Dr Babak said: “Thick, yellow nails could suggest a fungal infection and can be treated at home with anti-fungal treatments. Dry, cracked heels can be a result of being on your feet for long periods of time, especially hard floors and wearing unsupportive footwear.”

They added that In some cases, dry and cracked heels can be a sign of ‘an under active thyroid gland or hypothyroidism’.

Give those feet a proper good look. (Getty Stock)
Give those feet a proper good look. (Getty Stock)

Change in colour

Now, this one might not be a surprise, but if your foot has a change in colour there could be all kinds of health problems. And while you might notice your feet are blue or purple when you’re cold, it can also indicate ‘poor circulation or cardiovascular problems’.

“Peripheral vascular disease, caused by conditions such as diabetes or smoking, can lead to severe issues with circulation, causing blockages in the blood vessels of legs and feet,” added Dr Babak.

You might also have red feet due to an allergic reaction or the doc explains: “It could also be linked to an infection, such as cellulitis, which can be caused by bacteria or fungus entering the body through small breaks in the skin. Tell-tale signs of an infection include redness, inflammation, pain, discharge or an odour. Seek medical assistance if you are concerned.”

Numbness and tingling

You might end up with ‘pins and needles’ from being in the same position for too long, but a persistent numb feeling or tingling might be something much worse.

“[It] can also be a sign of diabetic neuropathy, a type of nerve damage that occurs in people with diabetes, caused by high blood sugar levels, especially if it’s affecting both sides. Speak to your doctor if you are concerned,” urged the doctor.

Keep an eye on those feet, lads.

Featured Image Credit: Getty Stock Images

Topics: Health, UK News