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People 'never eating ice cubes' again after seeing how they're made

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People 'never eating ice cubes' again after seeing how they're made

An ice machine service technician who 'works on ice machines pretty much every day' has shown how its is actually made

An ice-cold beverage is obviously nothing without actual ice.

However, people are adamant they are 'never eating ice cubes' again after seeing how it's made.

Ice machine service technician - 'Ice Machine 411' - deals with the machines 'pretty much every day' and seriously knows his stuff.

The content creator repairs, cleans and replaces ice machines, all while documenting it on social media to his followers.

People have been put off ice forever (Ice Machine 411)
People have been put off ice forever (Ice Machine 411)

In one of his many videos, the technician takes a look at what appears to be an old ice machine which - shall we say - isn't in the best condition.

The internet was totally grossed out by what he found and people say they're going to give up ice for good.

"So ice or no ice? Let's see," he begins while approaching the machine.

After opening it up and taking a look at the actual ice, everything appears fine.

"Yeah, storage man looks alright but let's see where ice is," the content creator warns.

Lifting the lid off the compartment 'where the ice is made', Ice Machine 411 discovers a load of black mould on it.

Viewers are now giving up ice forever (Ice Machine 411)
Viewers are now giving up ice forever (Ice Machine 411)

In the text overlay, he said that mould is the 'common root cause of autoimmune issues, gut issues, skin issues, brain fog, fatigue and more'.

Pointing at the ceiling of the white box, the expert continues to find more mould, explaining: "That's not alright either, ice is made up there and you literally have, look at this."

He then takes apart the machine to show all the compartments where the ice is made - and they are all plagued with black mould.

Taking to social media, viewers were shocked at what they saw, as one person said: "I refuse ice when out at restaurants - I'm careful of mould and pathogens."

Scarily, another former ice machine technician also revealed: "I serviced ice machines for years and that is actually fairly clean compared to what I’ve seen.

"Restaurants, convenience stores are all the same they refuse to pay to have them serviced regularly.

"Bars are the absolute worst. NEVER get ice. Here is something better, just don’t drink soft drinks they are absolutely terrible for you."

He explained how a '20-minute' clean-up job isn't possible either.

"No, to clean them properly the bin needs to be emptied, cleaned and there is a certain cleaner and a steriliser that need to be ran through the machine, then rinsed properly so no chemicals go into the ice," he said.

"It takes a couple hours to do it correctly. Crushed ice machines are the worse."

Well, I hope you have an ice day after reading this.

Featured Image Credit: Ice Machine 411

Topics: Food And Drink, Social Media, Weird, Health