Let's be real, when we’re tearing into a bar of chocolate we probably aren’t spending long studying the packet. Just give me the goods.
But people have realised they’ve been so busy demolishing this particular brand that they didn’t know what it was actually called.
Tony’s chocolate has rapidly increased in popularity in recent years and despite loyal lovers scranning it, not everyone’s paid attention to the branding.
One woman took to TikTok to share her shock, even leading to others’ confusion over the real name. Watch her realisation here:
User ‘grac31ouise’ zoomed into the bars on the shelf, with the name clearly reading: Tony’s Chocolonely.
But as her friend stands by her in shock, they say: “Sh*t. It’s always been Chocoloney.”
Turns out the women didn’t realise it was ‘lonely’ and other users share the same shock.
“Always called it chocoloney,” many insist as others echo: “I swear that it has always been chocoloney!”
“NO WAY WHAT? It’s ChocoLONEY,” Another put.
One said: “HONESTLY this really made me question my reading skills I’ve been calling it chocoloney for YEARS.”
And while a huge load of users are definite on their (totally incorrect) idea as they put: “No cut the cameras it WAS chocoloney,” some point out it never was.
One put: “How did ppl not know this.”
Plenty point out: “It’s always been Chocolonely.”
Some even speculate: “I think they did this on purpose so we would all be talking about this one day.
And another pointed out: “Always been that way cause they were ‘lonely’ in the fairtrade chocolate world.”
As one added: “Wait it has an apostrophe as well in Tony's so it could mean Tony is chocolonely.”
On the brand’s site, it is explained just how the popular chocolate’s name came about.

Turns out Tony is the English equivalent of the Dutch name Teun, with Teun van de Keuken being the founder.
He’s a TV journalist who did consumer report show Keuringsdienst van Waarde, looking into child slavery in the chocolate industry.
After being ignored by ‘large chocolate makers’ he decided to make Fairtrade bars himself.
As for the ‘Chocolonely’ part it’s explained: “Because he felt like he was the only guy in the chocolate industry that cared about eradicating slavery from the industry, he named his chocolate ‘Chocolonely’.
“Get it? The chocolate industry was a lonely place for 100% exploitation free crusaders!”
Turns out even ‘die hard’ fans of the chocolate didn’t realise this. BRB, just opening another bar of my ChocoLONELY.
Topics: Food And Drink, Viral, TikTok, Social Media