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We spoke to people who hard pivoted their education to see how they pulled it off

We spoke to people who hard pivoted their education to see how they pulled it off

Trust us — you're not the only one.

We might spend our entire high school education confronted with the decision of “what to do next”, but these people are reminders that it’s never too late to determine the right path for you — even if that switch comes while you’re at university.

Take Chelsea, for example. She spent her entire high school career thinking she would end up working as a psychologist. But, six months into her Bachelor of Psychology, she was confronted with a reality she hadn’t prepared for.

“I realised that it wasn’t the right place for me,” Chelsea told LADbible.

Hameda faced a similar problem once she’d started studying Social Sciences.

“I was definitely interested in what I was studying as a concept,” Hameda told LADbible, “but when it came to putting it into practice, I was completely bored and not at all passionate about pursuing a career in that trajectory.”

It can be daunting, realising you’ve invested time, energy, money and more into studying a certain topic only for it to not be for you. But, when you have the support of not only those in your circle, but a university, like Swinburne for example, that offers a wide myriad of course options that allow you to pivot your education completely.

That’s what helped both Hameda and Chelsea in their journeys. On top of that, they both had breakthroughs and ‘a-ha!’ moments that assured them they were on the right path.

“Honestly, my marks improved,” Hameda said.

“I was getting distinctions left and right. That's always been a telltale sign for me that I'm enjoying something — because if I am bored of something I'll instantly check out and it'll show.”

Chelsea had a similar experience, but changing degrees also helped her mental health.

“I definitely felt more confident in what I was doing and I was nowhere near as stressed out as I was.”

Of course, it’s one thing to know you want to switch degrees, but it’s another thing to actually go forth and do it. Chelsea really struggled with this, as it meant confronting the fact that what she thought she wanted for years was no longer for her.

“It was really tough for me to accept that I should be doing something else because I’d wanted to do psychology since I was 16,” Chelsea said.

“Looking back, I actually think something in the social sciences would have been a good fit for me as well, like social work. But my university offered so much variety that it eased me a little knowing I could re-enrol mid-year, and that some of what I’d already studied could be used as credits!”

Choosing to make a switch in your studies is the first step, and having the right support can make all the difference.

Swinburne offers extensive support to help students find the right path without the administrative nightmare you might fear. From study and learning support to personalised guidance through the Student Success Coach program, they're committed to ensuring their students have the right support to choose the right path and thrive while walking it.

Plus, their flexible course options allow the possibility to carry over credits, making the switch less daunting.

And what advice do Hameda and Chelsea have for those in similar predicaments? It all boils down to the same thing — do what’s best for you.

“If something doesn’t feel right to you, then don’t pressure yourself to stay,” Chelsea said.

“If you try something and don’t like it, at least you tried! There are so many options out there, you’ll definitely find the right thing for you.”

Hameda echoed this sentiment, encouraging people to “focus first on the outcome.”

“There are a million and one ways to get to wherever it is that you want to go or are destined to be — pick the path that suits your pace, preference and passions! And don't feel bad about 'wasting time' or 'making the wrong choice' — there’s no such thing when it comes to your future.”

“There is no wrong path — there's just YOUR path.”

Featured Image Credit: Elizabeth Durak/Dupe