Christmas Day is only two weeks away, which means you'd better get cracking if you haven't even thought of what to get that special someone in your life for a gift.
You need to bear in mind the time it'll take you to think of something, as well as how long it might be until it's delivered as you don't want to get to the big day and have to say 'sorry darling, it won't be here until the 27th'.
But how much should you be spending on that special person in your life?
Spend too much and you might embarrass them with your level of financial gifting, or show them up when they didn't get you nearly as much as you bought for them.

Spend too little and I'm sure you can guess what sort of backlash you might face for that, you'll have to do better at Christmas than getting your partner a few bits and bobs.
To give you an idea of the kind of spend you might want to be aiming for, a study from website CouponBirds found that the average Brit spends £144.37 on gifts for their partner.
That's more than the average amount of £128.49 someone would spend on a close family member.
According to the survey men outspent women by about £50 on average and the most generous gifting cohort were the 35 to 44-year-olds, as their average spend on their partner rose to £165.71.
However, while you now know how much you maybe need to be spending on your partner it's worth remembering that three quarters of Brits think 'it's the thought that counts' when it comes to gift giving.
Gifts that have some kind of meaning behind them are looked upon far better than ones which cost a veritable fortune.

As for what to get someone, you might be interested in the 'want, need, share, read' method suggested by a gift giving expert at Personalised Bee.
Basically, if you know your partner wants something then buying them a present ought to be pretty easy as you just get them that, as long as you remember to listen to them telling you what they want.
If you don't know what they want, and perhaps they don't know what they want, then try getting them something they need, think about things they've had to do without, or if there's something they use regularly that could do with a bit of a refresh.
Should you still be stumped for gift ideas this Christmas then the next option 'share' might help, as you could get them something they can share over the festive season.
Meanwhile, if all else fails just get them a book from an author they like or sign them up to a magazine they're interested in. Best hop to it.
Topics: Christmas, Sex and Relationships, Money, UK News