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Here's how you can make this Movember count

Here's how you can make this Movember count

Ready to join the Mo-vement?

Movember is about so much more than just the Moustache.

Of course, your glorious Mo — be it scruffy, patchy, full volume or barely there — is a big part of what makes Movember great. But, we mustn’t forget that it’s all for a good cause: raising awareness and funds for men’s health.

And there’s no time like right now to actually do something about it. Men are dying, on average, four years sooner than women, with suicide being the leading cause of death in men aged 15-54. In 2022, over 3,000 Aussies took their own lives, and the majority of them were blokes.

Aussie men are also dealing with prostate and testicular cancer at an increasing rate, with one in five Aussie blokes receiving a prostate cancer diagnosis in their lifetime. On top of that, testicular cancer cases have risen by 60% in the past 30 years.

It's time to get serious. These are heartbreaking stats, and we need to raise awareness and funds to help. We do it for our fathers, brothers, partners, mates and more.

Movember are taking on mental health, suicide, prostate cancer and testicular cancer in a big way, and they need our help. But, how do you sign up for Movember?

Getting the most out of your Movember means getting a head start by signing up early and setting up your Mo Space, and then doing what you can to get the word out there to start raising funds and saving lives!

And there’s no better way to do that than building your Mo Space profile early.

Think of a Mo Space profile as a hub for all the great things you’re doing as part of Movember. You build it out just like you would any other social media profile, but this one is wholly for a good cause — and you can ride the buzz of seeing those first donations and words of encouragement roll in.

When setting up your Mo Space, share your connect to cause with your friends and family. Let them know your motivation for taking on men's health, as they support you in your fundraising journey. And let them know how you’re fundraising! Are you Growing a Mo and mustering the mightiest Mo you can (be sure to include it in your profile pic)? Or are you Moving this Movember?

Globally, 60 men die by suicide every hour in support of men’s mental health, so Movember encourages you to commit to walking or running 60kms throughout the month. Your Mo Space profile even lets you track your Move activity, so you know exactly how far you have to go to reach your Move goal. So, whether you’re Growing a Mo or Moving this Movember, you can be sure there’s a way for you, and your mates, to get involved.

Speaking of mates, why not do Movember in a team? Nominate a team captain to start a fundraising team you can all join. If you mate, family member or colleague makes a team, you can join by punching in some of their deets. Or, if you’re ready to lead the charge yourself, you can form your own team and raise funds together.

Your Mo Space is built to ensure you can raise as many funds as possible. You can track all your donations in one easy place — let the growing amount fire you up to fundraise as much as you can for this great cause.

Movember gets it — asking for donations can be a little awkward. Your Mo Space takes out all the anxiety of this with in-built prompts to post on various social media platforms, meaning you can spend less time worrying about asking for donations, and more time actually getting them!

So, sign up now at, get to building your Mo Space profile and learn more about how you can be involved with Movember.

Featured Image Credit: Supplied