For some, the ordeal will be at an end but for others the clock is ticking down until they've cleared the month of November and can go back to jerking it without feeling like a failure.
I am, of course, talking about the end of No Nut November, for as we travel into the final month of the year, a bunch of men around the world have been once again challenging themselves to keep their hands away from their glands.
While there's a bit of a debate over the health benefits, those who actually partake in this self-imposed challenge swear by the upsides to abandoning onanism.
Even as health experts say there's a plethora of positives to cranking one out on a regular basis, many of those who've done it say it makes them feel 'really good' by the end of the month. That's because they reckon it boosts their physique and they enjoy the feeling of 'self control and patience' that comes with sticking to the challenge.
The objective is pretty simple, just get through the month of November without having a w**k.

For those who've made it all the way through, feel free to give yourselves a hand and a vigorous round of congratulations, wherever you choose to place that hand is really up to you.
Those who've completed the challenge in the past have said it makes them feel 'accomplished' at having made it through the entire thing, which they believe has resulted in them becoming 'mentally stronger'.
As for what No Nut November does to your body, doctors have said that abstaining from masturbation could boost a bloke's fertility but wouldn't bring many other tangible benefits.
Those in the medical say that regularly cranking one out can lead to you having better sleep, a boost in hormones that make you feel good, a decreased heart rate and a drop in stress.

On the other hand, if you've made it through No Nut November successfully then don't you feel like you've accomplished something?
You entered into a challenge that nobody forced you to undertake where your greatest opponent was yourself and you made it, what this has proved, if anything, is up to you but you set your mind on a specific goal and accomplished it.
That's got to feel good on some level, and now you get to join the ranks of the millions of men who also completed No Nut November.
It does feel good to defeat a challenge, doesn't it?
Topics: Health, Sex and Relationships