Married people looking to do the dirty on their spouse have devised a new code to signify being open to an affair - and it involves bell peppers.
For as long as humans have engaged in monogamous relationships, infidelity has existed.
There may not be one clear reason as to why so many people feel the need to cheat on their partner, although psychologists and sex therapists over the years have certainly tried to work it out, however it seems like there are signs you can look out for if you think your partner is looking to stray.

Now you're probably already aware of cheating red flags such as a partner suddenly staying out late or spending more time with a new group of 'friends' as well as the infamous cheating app Ashley Madison.
But have you ever considered that your shopping choices could be projecting your sexual preferences?
Now this sounds absolutely bizarre, but hear me out, as users of the UK's 'largest and longest-running' dating site Illicit Encounters have been getting creative when it comes to how they can signify their openness to an affair while out and about in public.
In a thread titled 'The Bell Pepper Code' one user wrote: "What if we start a secret code in the most mundane place of all – THE SUPERMARKET.
"It’s perfect! No one would ever suspect that your weekly food shop could lead to something a lot more... sizzling."
The user then went on to suggest the 'secret code' could be placing two bell peppers with the stems down in their basket or trolley as a symbol.

"What do we reckon? Secret meets in Tesco's," the user added.
Weirdly several users on the site appeared to be up for the idea, with one person replying: "I like the sound of that..a secret code.. who will approach you is exciting," while a second added: "I'm going to end up with a lot of peppers..............."
Someone even claimed they'd had some success with the secret code, writing: "Worked for me, kind of!
"I picked up my couple of peppers and headed for the frozen aisle.
"Next to the yorkshire puds I noticed someone else with peppers in their trolley, there was a bit of an awkward smile and we spoke for a bit.
"I don't think we we were quite right for each other but it was nice to have a chat with someone else who clearly isn't [happy] in their relationship."
So good news for the cheaters, but bad news for anyone who just wants to batch cook a chilli for the week.
Time to double check how you're placing the vegetable in your trolley... unless you want to be hit on while browsing the freezer aisle.
Peppers aren't the first food item to find themselves being co-opted into having a double meaning either, with aubergines long having an erotic reputation due to their unfortunate shape. Pineapples have also gained a spicy reputation in recent years thanks to swingers.
Looks like it might be worth getting your grocery shopping delivered to your door from now on.
Topics: Lifestyle, Sex and Relationships, Dating trends