Here comes the real hotstepper, as this bloke walked a whopping 100,000 steps to find out what impact it would have on his body.
Jack Massey Welsh had already managed to do 250,000 footsteps in the space of a week, leading to some'surprising' differences in his physique, so the content creator wanted to up the ante this time around.
The 28-year-old from County Durham reckoned that hitting his new target would be a 'walk in the park' - pardon the pun - however, it ended up being his 'hardest challenge to date'.
Jack explained that he completed his 100,000-step experiment earlier this month, meaning he also had to battle cold temperatures and the threat of the sun going down early in the evening.
Ultimately, he ended up finishing off his trek in the 'pitch black' - but the main thing is, he finished it.

The YouTuber, better known as @JackSucksAtLife online, explained he had been averaging 13,000 steps a day in the week leading up to the challenge.
As well as this, he was armed with a host of energy-boosting snacks to keep him going, and also took a couple of breaks throughout the day.
In the initial stages, Jack said he was having a 'delightful time' on his walk, noting that it was 'very easy', and he hit the 5,000 step mark in 48 minutes.
"I'm curious about at what point it's going to get challenging," he said - famous last words, eh?
To warm himself up, the lad also did a bit of light jogging 'just to speed things up and hopefully get the challenge done in about 12 hours', although he added: "Spoiler alert: it took way more than 12 hours."
After hitting 10,000 steps on his pedometer, Jack admitted he was beginning to feel a bit 'knackered', while he had also began to experience 'just a little bit' of heel pain on his left foot.

"Everything else is completely fine," he said. "But I'm only 10% of the way there and already experiencing a little bit of heel pain - that is not a good sign of things to come."
Jack 'breezed past' the 15,000 milestone and by the time he'd hit 20,000 after around three hours of walking, the discomfort in his heel had disappeared.
However, it was instead replaced by a 'new ache' in both of his ankles.
When he reached 25,000 steps, he complained: "My back's starting to ache a bit, my aches in my ankles have just gotten slightly worse, but it's all still kind of okay.
"I think we're going to be fine, but I am feeling it a bit now. The fatigue is definitely setting in."
He explained that his feet were 'tingling' when he took a quick break to refuel, but he had soon 'sailed past 40,000 steps', meaning 40% of his challenge was completed.
Jack was really going through it by the time he had accomplished 75,000 footsteps though.
"It's taken so long," he said. "It's just gruelling and boring. The progress felt so slow. It was basically pitch black, so there was nothing interesting to look at. I was just feeling miserable and done with it."
After another 45 minutes, he had surpassed 880,000 steps and was nearing the finish line.
"My feet had obviously been aching since about 20,000 steps onwards, but it was my final 15,000 steps that were the hardest," Jack said. "My feet were not really sore and every step I was doing hurt.
"I think my ankles had swollen, so my shoes were less comfortable."

15 hours, 28 minutes, and 22 seconds after setting off, Jack managed to complete 100,000 steps - travelling a total distance of 76.83km (47.73 miles) and burning 8,678 calories along the way.
Reflecting on his achievement, he joked: "This was by far the most intense challenge I've ever done and I'm so glad that I've done it now - so that I never have to do it again.
"I was so exhausted, I couldn't even get up a small hill to get back to the car. When we got home, taking my shoes off was certainly a challenge."
He then showed his subscribers his 'very gross' feet, explaining that despite covering his trotters in plasters, they didn't manage to protect him from sores.
"I still had multiple blisters and my feet had clearly been through a rough time," Jack said of his '16-hour ordeal'.
He warned that others shouldn't try to replicate his 100,000 step challenge 'without heavy training', but added: "But despite the hardship, I'm glad we did it and I want to keep up the walking challenges.
"The main difficulty of this challenge was how long it actually takes to complete it."