A therapist has been talking about the benefits of not having sex for a while in your relationship.
We're not on about relationships where the bedroom has become a place where the atmosphere has degraded from fecund to moribund.
That can happen and it usually points to deeper problems within the relationship, which need addressing, before trying to re-establish any sort of sexual rhythm.
There are all sorts of reasons why couples stop having sex with each other, but have you considered the benefits of having a voluntary dry spell?
Going celibate will have an impact on your physical and mental health, so be aware that not having sex will make you feel rather different.
While there are drawbacks, speaking to the Daily Mail psychotherapist and sex therapist Christina Mancuso laid out the benefits of not having sex for a bit in your relationship.

Christina said that having a break from sex could help make it more enjoyable when the boinking resumes later on.
See, apparently when your calendar is just choc-a-block with rumpy pumpy you can wear yourself out and perhaps get stuck in the same sexual routine.
According to the therapist, stopping for a bit of a break can help a person 'recognize what they actually want and need'.
Can you really think about all the things you want from sex with your partner when you're currently in the middle of doing the horizontal bop with them?
Maybe taking some time away to think can give you and your partner the clarity needed to bang each other's brains out in an even more pleasurable way.

She also spoke about the benefits that not rushing to sex could have in a new relationship, as that time before the boning commences is an important moment with a partner to learn more about them.
Christina explained that if you've got someone interested in you and you don't have sex with them, you'll get a better idea of their true intentions and you'll have a better handle on 'who they are and what they are looking for' depending on what they do next.
If they suddenly decide to ghost you then you know they weren't worth your time.
The therapist also said that diving between the sheets with a new partner too soon could throw the 'intense emotions' associated with sex into the mix early and muddle the period of time when people are meant to be 'getting to know one another authentically'.
Topics: Health, Mental Health, Sex and Relationships, Dating trends