We've all had to say a painful goodbye to some of our prized possessions at the airport over the years after arguing the toss with security staff, but it never gets any easier.
It might not be a deadly weapon or something capable of causing mass destruction to a plane, but if they don't like the look of it, it's not getting onboard.
Most people give themselves a refresher on the list of prohibited items before heading off on their holiday, however, if it's not explicitly stated that tourists can't take a certain item with them, they'll probably still try their luck.
Don't believe me? Well, why not take a look at this wacky Reddit thread where plane passengers fessed up to what strange items had been seized from them in the airport.
One social media user asked people to share their most 'interesting, funny or weird story' about getting pulled aside in the airport and having to hand over an unusual item in their carry on.
After admitting that they had to give up a 'pot of honey' once, hundreds of others decided to chime in on the thread, which prompted some pretty hilarious answers.

Who'd have thought that cured, unfertilised fish eggs would be a problem to travel with?
Well, this guy's dad didn't seem to think there would be an issue with taking a medium tin of caviar in his bag while returning home from Russia around 20 years ago.
The poster said his father had insisted that he 'triple checked' the rules and 'found no indication' that he couldn't take it with him - but sure enough, he got collared by security staff.
He explained: "My father was pretty sure the security just wanted to take the caviar for themself.
"After arguing for a while, he proceeded to open the caviar tin and eat the entire thing in front of them. Thanked them for their time and passed through."
Off to a strong start.
Bread knife
Unfortunately for those who really see the beauty in bread knives, buying one abroad and trying to bring it back through an airport is never going to end well.
But this social media user didn't even know they had it on their person when they were stopped by security.
They explained that they had purchased a 'lovely bread bin' from a homeware store in Sydney, Australia, which had been wrapped up to ensure it's safe journey home.
The post said: "At the airport, I was asked by security what was in the bag, so I told them.
"Then they told me to step back and not touch anything while they opened it.
"Unbeknown to me, the bread bin came with a 12 inch bread knife, which was inside the bin. How embarrassing. And frustrating - it was a damned fine knife."
Concealed bullet
This one is fairly straightforward, but travelling with a metal projectile tucked away somewhere is a big no-no.
It's not an issue a lot of people in the UK have to worry about much, but those across the pond in the US are always finding stray bullets lying around - and this could land you in big trouble if you have a stray one on you in the airport.
One Redditor explained how a single .22 bullet had ended up sneaking through a hole in his friend's pocket before lodging itself 'deep in the fabric layers of his cargo pants'...and you can see where this is going.
The bloke, who was an 'avid hunter', was obviously apprehended at security - and it turns out that the Transportation Security Administration (TSA) take this kind of thing 'pretty darn seriously'.
The post explained: "No charges were ultimately filed, but needless to say he missed his flight that day and now seems to have a lifetime supply of additional screening at airports."

Most people haven't picked up a mathematical compass since their high school days, but for those who can't live without them, it's best to leave yours at home if your heading on holiday.
According to one ticked off tourist, the little metal contraption which is perfect for drawing circles causes quite a stir among security staff.
The bloke explained that several guards inspected the item 'very closely' before ruling that it could be dangerous.
He wrote: "One of the guys held it up, then unscrewed the bolt, and removed the tiny little point (it's little, like 4mm at most), made a scowl face at me, and threw the point in a biohazard box.
"He put the rest of the compass back in its box and handed it back to me. I just laughed and said he could keep it... I mean, it's pretty useless without the point."
Honestly, what is the point in that?
Dried tangerine
I can't imagine many people would run into this issue, but you should triple check there aren't any dried tangerines rolling around your bags before you head to the airport.
Otherwise, you might get accused of 'importing food' like this traveller did.
They explained that they had landed in Los Angeles when they were apprehended by security who 'insisted that we were importing food from outside the US in our checked luggage', much to their surprise.
The passenger complained that they were kept waiting for around two hours while emptying their 'huge suitcase' in 'fruitless attempts to find the said food'.
Low and behold, they end up finding an old piece of fruit that was way past its sell-by date.
"Finally, they got to a dry tangerine that must have travelled in a corner of that suitcase for the last 5 years, and proudly confiscated it," the Redditor said.
Airport staff can make an enemy for life by confiscating something from a passenger - especially if it's 'awesome' slime.
One poster explained they were still reeling all these years later after the only souvenir they had picked up for themselves at the Smithsonian Space Museum in Washington DC was snatched away at security.
She explained that she had been sold as soon as they saw it described as 'space slime' - which she clarified was actually just 'cool-looking slime' - in the gift shop, so was gutted when she wasn't allowed to fly with it.
The post explained: "I thought it was the coolest, most interesting thing ever, and this was before slime was in every store.
"So we got to TSA and they pulled it out of my backpack, I literally cried. So much. I begged the lady not to do it, to the point where she felt bad and asked if we had another bag we could check. It hurt my little heart so much.
"Looking back, I know it wasn’t a big deal but for a little kid it really is."
She said she know ensures she checks through her bags twice to 'make sure nothing will ever get thrown away'.

If you are a condiment lover, I can understand why you might want to take a bottle of something on the plane to jazz up your drab in-flight meal - but security staff aren't as understanding.
Tons of people in the Reddit thread were moaning about how they had lost jams, sauces, and Nutella while going through the airport, but apparently, mustard doesn't cut it either.
One social media user explained that they had picked up the yellow condiment at the airport in Reykjavik, Iceland, before flying back to the US, which is where they were informed it was gong in the bin.
The woman added: "The shocked and sad look on my husband's face still haunts me."
Another passenger also had a similar mustard mishap while travelling from Dusseldorf to Newark, saying that it 'still hurts' to have lost it.
"It was a completely arbitrary call," they said. "Meanwhile I've gotten through with lighters, matches, pocket knives etc which were in some dark corner of a pocket or bag and long forgotten."
You're probably asking for trouble if you are trying to take cannonballs on a flight with you.
But if for some reason it's the only souvenir in the shop that tickled your fancy, like this bloke, just beware that security workers will probably get an immediate look of panic if they see them.
The lad explained he had purchased two 'baseball-sized' cannonballs from an antique store in Cartagena, Colombia, as he reckoned they would be a 'neat' keepsake and only cost around $10.
He wrote: "I packed them in my carry on and flew Cartagena to Bogota, no problem. The next flight, Bogota to Mexico City we still had them in our carry on.
"But when we went through security again Mexico City the security officer said we could not fly with them. We were very short on time and did not want to miss our connecting flight, so we just left them."
He admitted he wasn't clear on whether it would have been better to put them in his checked luggage, but confessed he should probably not have flown with them in the first place.
"Later on, I found out that other tourists have done this and caused the airport to be evacuated, as sometimes they could still have gunpowder inside," the man added.
So he had a close call with the cannonballs to say the least.
If you're planning on getting frisky when your flight lands, it might be best to leave your props at home.
That's because you might end up getting frisked at the airport if a member of the security team spots something suspicious in your luggage.
One Redditor recalled how they were left red-faced when a worker whipped out a pair of handcuffs from her luggage.
She said: "I had handcuffs confiscated in Morocco.
"They were in checked luggage but in the airport there you put all your bags through a scanner before you can check in.
"So the security agent took them out of my bag in front of everyone. Bless his heart, he had no idea what they could've been for.
"My husband had to convince him that we didn't have nefarious intentions."
So instead of having to explain what you get up to behind closed doors, leave the handcuffs at home.
Topics: Travel, Weird, World News, Reddit