Air travel is one of those things where it seems like people have an insatiable demand to know all the possible tips and tricks.
Of course the best people to ask are those who spend the most time travelling around on planes, so the frequent flyers and flight attendants are the people to ask.
They can tell you everything from why they sit on their hands for take-off, the dos and don'ts of good behaviour and the way to annoy everyone and delay the flight (definitely file that one under the 'don't' column).
In case you're curious as to what that thing is, it's not to be one of the 'gate lice' who swarm around when it's not going to speed anything up.
Meanwhile it's not just what you do but what you're wearing which can help, as apparently you ought to be wearing the colour red when you travel for maximum advantage.

According to the site Airplane Tips there's a certain degree of psychology behind wearing the colour red which could help you on your journey.
Apparently, people who wear red are seen as more attractive and it's a bold colour that'll catch the attention of airport staff should you need to get their help with something.
That could mean you're 'more likely to get preferential treatment', even if it's just that you'd like to ask the flight attendant to sell you a Kit-Kat.
Getting airline staff to treat you a bit better with the power of psychologically influencing clothing seems like a novel travel tip, but every little helps.
Of course since a lot of this is about getting someone's attention and altering their perception of you in a positive way, so if you're going to wear red it's probably best to do so on the top half of your body.
You want them to be looking at you during your interactions, not having a staring contest with your knobbly knees.
The colour red is also supposed to make you more alert, which might help you spot some important details such as where you're supposed to be going in the airport terminal.
It may seem a small thing but as a well-known supermarket advert will remind you, every little helps.
According to flight attendants themselves they're basically assessing you from the moment you step onto their plane.
The main things they'll want to know are whether you're going to be a help or hindrance to them on this flight, as they'll be scoping for signs of drunkenness and disorderly conduct that they may have to deal with before take-off.
Of course, there's another kind of assessment going on as well which wearing red might help with, but you probably won't know it because they'll be talking about it in code to each other
Topics: Travel, Plane Etiquette