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Flight attendant reveals the items 'cheeky' passengers always steal from planes

Flight attendant reveals the items 'cheeky' passengers always steal from planes

Being a flight attendant is a tough enough job without passengers stealing things

If you want to know what's happening on a plane you should ask a flight attendant as they're well aware of all the tips, hacks and dos and don'ts of air travel.

They've got you from the moment you board the plane to the time you disembark and are someone else's problem, and they've done this dance so many times that you aren't going to escape their gaze.

Of course, having put up with passengers for so long they've developed their own list of pet peeves which you lot get up to that they wish you'd knock on the head.

They can go through a lot of s**t having to deal with the general public and know how to navigate the rougher patches of air travel.

That being said, it's best not to upset or annoy them largely because that would be an unpleasant thing to do but also because they might bring you up in conversation later on.

You're as close to the heavens as you're going to get, it might be time to remember 'thou shalt not steal'. (Getty Stock Photo)
You're as close to the heavens as you're going to get, it might be time to remember 'thou shalt not steal'. (Getty Stock Photo)

Speaking to the Irish Times, flight attendant Paula Gahan was talking about the most annoying thing passengers do, and one of them involves pilfering certain items on the plane.

The main thing they steal is food, if it's not nailed down there's a big risk a passenger is going to steal it.

In fact, she had a story about passengers actually stealing her own supply of snacks as she'd made the rookie error of leaving them out.

She said: "It’s a funny old phenomenon on aircraft, any food that’s sitting around, even if it’s in a lunch box, seems to be fair game to passengers.

"They come in and swipe it. Yes, the passengers will steal your food without an ounce of shame. It’s like some unwritten rule, 'if it’s visible in the galley and edible, I can take it'.

"I was just on a flight back from San Francisco and I bought a bag of Haribo for a sugar hit to get me through the 10-hour flight.

"I leave the bag on the counter and turn around to see some cheeky woman helping herself."

"For the passengers who stole my Haribo the exits are located here and here, you have five seconds to use them." (Getty Stock Photo)
"For the passengers who stole my Haribo the exits are located here and here, you have five seconds to use them." (Getty Stock Photo)

Just as a reminder, you shouldn't steal and eat other people's food and you really ought not to go nabbing sweets from a bag that someone has left out.

The passenger got described as 'cheeky' by Gahan but that's possibly the flight attendant being very polite.

Other flight attendants have shared the passenger habits they find most annoying.

One of the big things is not to take your shoes off when you're on the plane, nobody needs you to be walking around in your socks or even barefoot.

There's also some things they really don't need to know, as some have said that passengers do not need to ask permission to go to the toilet and definitely don't need to announce it's because they have diarrhoea.

Another major thing you can do to make everyone's journey easier is to remember there are other people on the plane, so blasting out music without headphones is a d*ck move.

Featured Image Credit: Getty Stock Images

Topics: Travel, Plane Etiquette