Planning your next holiday? Don’t make this major fashion mistake.
The summer is almost upon us and it’s time to dress accordingly, except when you’re about to fly on an airplane.
I know that the thought of walking out of the plane to a blast of hot air might make you think about wearing the shortest of shorts, but according to a flight attendant, that’s not flight etiquette.
Tommy Cimato took to TikTok to warn of the dangers of uncovered calves on board a plane.
It sounds a little strange but there’s a good reason for swapping your shorts for pants instead.
According to Cimato, the one thing you want to really avoid on board your flight is shorts, and it’s not because of a fashion faux pas.
He said: "Don't or try not to wear shorts when you're on an airplane. It's the same thing as the window, you never know how clean it's gonna be, so if you have pants, you're gonna have less germs."
So, if you don’t want your legs soaking up all of those nasty germs, opt for something long instead.
It’s an ungodly thought that wearing long trousers on board your flight to a scorching climate is the best course of action but it’s either that or basking in someone else’s ickiness.
But that’s not all you need to think about.
Rattling off a list of other plane tips, he added: "Do not ever touch the flush button with your bare hands. It's honestly just super unsanitary and pretty gross, so when you flush, use a napkin or tissue that's in the lavatory.
"Don't forget to drink water. Stay hydrated. You wanna have about 16oz for every flight you go on, so keep that in mind.
"Do not fall asleep or lean your head on the window. You are not the only that has done that and you don't know how many people or children have wiped their hands or other things all over the window.
"Don't feel afraid to let a flight attendant know if you're feeling sick. So if you need food, water, or an air sickness bag, please feel free to let us know."
What I’m hearing is that you should forgo everything and just wear a Hazmat Suit for safety.
While we're on the topic of flying and what you can’t do, another flight attendant shared their top tip for getting the VIP treatment while onboard.
Before you ask, she didn’t mention shorts.
Kat Kamalani, who is on TikTok as @katkamalani), said there's one thing that will help you get treated well by cabin crew, saying in the caption: "Your flight will change DRAMATICALLY."
In the video, Kamalani told viewers: "If you do this one simple thing on an aircraft, I promise you, you will get the royal treatment from the flight attendants.
"Being a flight attendant is exhausting. You're always in different time zones, waking up crazy hours, and dealing with angry customers.
"So I promise you, the next time you fly, if you want special treatment from the flight attendants this is all you have to do."
I mean, I’m fine with bribing my way to getting better treatment and if I wear pants instead of shorts, this might even ramp up my pampering.