Paying to make sure you sit next to your friends or family on an airplane is a part of modern day travel. But according to one flight attendant, there's one guaranteed way to get the seats you want without paying up.
No one wants to cough up £8 to £10 a seat to sit next to your loved ones, with it feeling like an inherent right especially if booking them together in the first place.
But that's just how it is - although that might not be the case for very long.
The concept of seat swapping isn't new and has been a hotly discussed topic in the travelling world for decades.
You'll get people vehemently in the camp of 'I paid for this seat so no chance, I'm not moving' - which is totally fair give they've handed over money to be where they are.
On the flip side, some see no issue and if it helps someone else have a better flight experience, they're okay with it. It's not the end of the world and you'll still get to your destination at the same time.
Both opinions are perfectly valid - but it goes without saying that the first is the one there you're going to get a few confrontational issues between passengers.

Now, one member of cabin crew has revealed the best approach to take when it comes to taking on those who are a little more stubborn about staying put in the seat they've booked.
Mitra Amirzadeh, who works out of Orlando in Florida, spoke to The Wall Street Journal about her experience dealing with seat swapping and how to tackle it best.
Firstly, Amirzadeh is adamant she isn't going to help you if you're from a couple who didn't choose to sit together.
She says: "The next time you feel yourself getting angry or getting frustrated that you’re not getting the seat you want, you need to remind yourself that you didn’t pay to pick your seat. Otherwise, you’d be in it."
But the situation is completely different for her when others are involved in the conversation.

We're talking about children.
For Amirzadeh - who says seat swapping happens on around eight of her 10 shifts per month - the inclusion of kids in the situation means it is one she's likely to keep a close eye on and even get involved if necessary.
In these situations, some people who have paid for seats can still refuse to move (as is their right) despite a child being involved in the situation. Think middle seat with a mum or dad on one side and the kid on the other.
In these kind of situations, Amirzadeh says: "I have said before - ‘okay, so you’re going to watch the toddler?'.
"You’ll want their snacks and their colouring books then, because they’re going to need that."

Hardly the flight you were after, even if you'd paid for the seat.
The debate will rage on for as long as paying for seats is a thing.
One passenger even took to Reddit to vent his frustration after being asked to move for a pregnant woman despite having medical conditions himself.
Topics: Travel, Hacks, World News, Holiday