Your passport is your ticket in and out of every country in the world.
Without it, you're stuck. Which I'm going to go out on the smallest of limbs and say wouldn't be ideal for anyone.
But they're a necessity that'll soon cost you more than you might think unless you act fast.
Passport fees are on the rise, whether you're applying for your first ever, a renewal, or a lost, stolen or damaged one.
In a statement on the costs, the government said: "The new fees will help ensure that income from these applications better meets the cost of delivering passport and associated operations, reducing reliance on funding from general taxation. The government does not make any profit from the cost of passport applications.

"The fees contribute to the cost of processing passport applications, consular support overseas, including for lost or stolen passports, and the cost of processing British citizens at UK borders. The increase will also help enable the government to continue improving its services.
"The new fees include those newly applying or renewing their passport."
Martin Lewis' Money Saving Expert team has broken down the costs, and urged people to think about renewing now to save money.
An adult passport applied for online will increase from £82.50 to £88.50. For children, it's going up from £53.50 to £57.50.
Adult passports applied for by paper will increase from £93 to £100; for kids, it's up to £69 from £64.
The cost is even more if you want a fast-track passport within one week, with an adult application rising from £155 to £166.50. Children will rise from £126 to £135.50.
And a same day passport for adults is going up from £193.50 to £207.50. Ouch.

The new prices come in from 11 April.
The MSE team explains: "As a rough guide, if you've less than 10 months left on your current passport, it could be worth renewing now.
"A standard adult passport lasts for 10 years and used to cost £72.50 – which works out to around 60p per calendar month of ownership. In other words, each month you have left on your passport is 'worth' 60p.
"This means the closer your passport is to expiring, the more it's worth renewing before the new fees kick in."

They add: "As an example, if you currently have six months left on your existing passport and choose to renew online now, you give up £3.60 but save £6 in application fees – a net gain.
"But if you still have 12 months left, you'd be giving up £7.20 and still only saving £6 – a net loss."
Topics: Holiday, Martin Lewis, Money, Travel, UK News, World News, Cost of Living