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Expert claimed to have 'found' missing MH370 aircraft after Google Maps search

Expert claimed to have 'found' missing MH370 aircraft after Google Maps search

MH370 has been missing since 2014

A tech expert has claimed to have 'found' the missing Malaysia Airlines Flight 370 using Google Maps.

It was a harrowing day on 8 March, 2014 when the flight disappeared suddenly, never to be seen again.

Carrying 239 passengers and crew on board, it set off from Kuala Lumpar for Beijing, China before radars were left unable to locate the plane.

Sparking a number of documentaries and theories about what could have befallen the flight, the incident has come back to the forefront in recent years as a result of the Netflix docuseries - MH370: The Plane That Disappeared.

Since its disappearance, several pieces of wreckage have been found, however, formal investigations led by Australia and Malaysia have yet to understand exactly what happened that night.

According to the official script for the disappearance of MH370, the aircraft allegedly executed a dramatic U-turn less than an hour into its flight before crashing into the ocean.

Though, some experts suggested that the plane could have been hijacked, and others have believed that the aircraft was shot down by the US Air Force.

The flight went missing in 2014 and hasn't been seen since. (Nicolas Economou/NurPhoto via Getty Images)
The flight went missing in 2014 and hasn't been seen since. (Nicolas Economou/NurPhoto via Getty Images)

However, nothing has come from these various theories.

Now, tech expert Ian Wilson has a differing view on the tragedy, suggesting that the remains of MH370 are lying deep in a jungle in Cambodia.

According to The Mirror, he said: "Measuring the Google sighting, you're looking at around 69 metres, but there looks to be a gap between the tail and the back of the plane. It's just slightly bigger, but there's a gap that would probably account for that.

"I was on there [Google Earth], a few hours here, a few hours there. If you added it up I spent hours searching for places a plane could have gone down. And in the end, as you can see the place where the plane is. It is literally the greenest, darkest part you can see."

Even though a 1,500-page report was released by investigators, it was still decided that they couldn't be certain what happened to flight MH370.

There are countless theories about the missing plane. (Getty Stock Image)
There are countless theories about the missing plane. (Getty Stock Image)

In December last year, new information from an aviation expert suggested a criminal plan to sink the plane forever.

The landing gear door of MH370 was found at the home of a Madagascan fisherman in November - some eight-and-a-half years after the plane went missing.

However, Richard Godfrey, a British engineer, and Blaine Gibson, an American MH370 wreckage hunter, believe that the gear proves the plane was crashed deliberately.

The experts believe that the damage to the landing gear door - known as a trunnion door - suggests that one of the pilot's lowered the aircraft's wheels in the final seconds of the flight, subsequently pointing to criminal intent.

Though, nobody can be certain about what happened and this new piece of information about it’s possible whereabouts could finally help solve the mystery once and for all.

Featured Image Credit: Netflix/Google Maps

Topics: Conspiracy Theory, MH370, Travel